cl_abap_browser=>show_html( html_string = html ). You can also examine and run the following programs to get a complete overview of all possiblities: DEMO_USAGE_OUTPUT_STATIC DEMO_USAGE_OUTPUT_INSTANCE Examples of Usage An example how CL_DEMO_OUTPUT can be used by a framework is provide...
如果你想自己处理生成的格式化数据,你可以使用GET而不是DISPLAY: SELECT*FROMSCARRINTOTABLE@DATA(IT_TAB).DATA(HTML) = cl_demo_output=>GET( it_tab ). CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>SHOW_HTML( HTML_STRING = HTML ). 这将产生与上面第一个示例相同的输出。 您还可以检查和运行以下程序,以获得所有可能性的完整概述...
SELECT*FROMscarrINTOTABLE@DATA(carriers).DATA(html)=cl_demo_output=>get(carriers).cl_abap_browser=>show_html(html_string=html). You can also examine and run the following programs to get a complete overview of all possiblities: DEMO_USAGE_OUTPUT_STATIC DEMO_USAGE_OUTPUT_INSTANCE Examples of ...
I_ADDRESS_NAME (optional) Name that is displayed for the Internet address, for example Pia Brown Return parameters RESULT Internet address that can be used by BCS as a recipient (reference to an instance of the class CL_CAM_ADDRESS_BCS) ...