lv_str='name:'&& ls_edquery-name&&'value:'&& ls_edquery-value &&';'.ENDLOOP.MESSAGElv_strTYPE'I'.ENDMETHOD.ENDCLASS."cl_gui_html_viewer"html显示CLASSc1DEFINITION.PUBLICSECTION.DATA:lo_html_viewerTYPEREFTOcl_gui_html_viewer.METHODS:m_html_init.METHODS:m_html_viewerIMPORTINGiv_urlTYPEstr...
以上实现是基于文本的,我们可以考虑使用 SAP 图形控件(如CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER和CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER)来提供更好的视觉效果。 键盘事件处理 SAPGUI 的事件处理比较有限,可以考虑通过定时器和用户输入的组合来模拟游戏的实时性。 游戏逻辑的完善 实现方块的旋转和消行逻辑,这需要对二维数组进行更复杂的操作。 多方...
CLASS cl_myevent_handler DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: on_navigate_complete FOR EVENT navigate_complete OF cl_gui_html_viewer IMPORTING url. ENDCLASS. *** * cl_myevent_handler implementation * *** CLASS cl_myevent_handler IMPLEMENTATION. *** * DON'T USE the...
for event sapevent of cl_gui_html_viewer importing action frame getdata postdata query_table. endclass."cl_myevent_handler DEFINITIONdata: evt_receiver type ref to cl_myevent_handler."class defineclasslcl_event_receiver definition deferred.*---**CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION*---** *--...
Note that I have other DynproSAP Control Frameworkdemonstrations (cl_gui_alv_grid,cl_gui_html_viewer, etc.) so I'd like to generalize the question to all types of controls. Is there a way to easily share, copy, paste and run this demonstration (possibly by refactori...
"可拆分容器 DATA:lo_splitter TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container. "通用容器,父类 DATA:lo_container_top TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. DATA:lo_container_bottom TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. "html组件 DATA:lo_html_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer. "图片组件 DATA:lo_picture TYPE...
data: html_control type ref to cl_gui_html_viewer,my_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,prog_repid like sy-repid,ui_flag type i, "#EC NEEDED edurl(2048),edframe(255),edaction(256),edgetdata(2048),edpostdataline(1024),myevent_tab type cntl_simple_events,myevent type ...
When the methodfill_htmlis called for the first time, it generates an object of the class CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER and links the associated HTML control with the area of the container control to which the reference incontainer_htmlpoints (with the Custom Control on the screen). According to the...
data ALV_GRID1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid. ALV GRID继承结构: ALV_GRID介绍二(1) 四、ALV GRID相关的几个控制结构 1.字段目录 [Field catalog] 字段目录是用来控制ALV显示的网格中每个字段的属性的,比如字段的顺序,对齐方式,可编辑状态,颜色,等等. ...
DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, html_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer. DATA html_viewer_tab LIKE TABLE OF html_viewer WITH EMPTY KEY. ... CREATE OBJECT html_viewer EXPORTING parent = container. APPEND html_viewer TO html_viewer_tab. ...