change_first_name character key/character Change the first name of a character. change_first_name = <localization_key>change_first_name = scope:name/var:namechange_first_name = { template_character = scope:character } Characters change_government character key Changes the government of a chara...
root.mother.father.killer = { #Things we want to do with the killer of the father of the mother of the root character. } We can also directly compare scopes for equality: trigger = { root.mother = scope:other_character.mother }
button_tertiary = { name = "special_slot_map" visible = "[CanChangeMapMode]" parentanchor = hcenter size = { 110 25 } onclick = "[SetMapMode('custom_mapmode')]" onclick = "[GetScriptedGui('highlight_special_buildings_map').Execute(GuiScope.End)]" down = "[And( GetScriptedGui('...
However, there is still a learning curve to it, and it cannot replace the need to read some working vanilla code and do lots of trial and error experimentation. Important: the majority of mods will change the checksum, not allowing the player to get achievements. See checksum_manifest.txt...
how resistant they are to another character's Dread). Characters tend not to have more than 3 personality traits. While personality traits can change, it is very difficult to do so; this most often occurs as the result of a mental break at Stress Level 2 or higher. Each personality ...
However, it is also possible to force a different government later based on history. In the standard game, this is the case with Venice, for example. The County of Venice only consists of one castle and would therefore always create a feudal government in the standard case. To change this...