effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_tribe_unity } } 部族联合 effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_astute_diplomats } } 机敏的外交家 effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_collective_lands } } 集体土地 effect = {culture = { add_c...
1.在 game/common/on_action目录下(如果是在mod目录修改,则是common/on_action)新建一个文件命名为xxx_on_actions.txt,编码格式为UTF-8 with BOM 2.直接贴代码: on_game_start = {on_actions = {shattered_world_effects}}shattered_world_effects = {effect = {every_ruler = {if = {limit = {primary...
The main use of Features is to create immersive descriptions for the artifact. Whenever a new artifact is created (such as from an Inspiration), it will gain a set of appropriate Features based on various factors including culture, geography, craftsmanship quality, wealth of the capital city, ...
Expanded extent of Darada culture (per suggestions by Soraya, Rajas of Asia modder and researcher) Tweaked religious setup in south Armenia and north Mesopotamia (also per Soraya’s suggestions) Tweaked Kasdanianism spread in 867 (Soraya strikes again) Kasdanianism, Gayomarthianism, and Behafari...
Powerful vassals are more likely to create Claimant factions if they have a negative opinionVassals with a different culture are more likely to join than beforeVassals are less likely to create a Claimant if they are not a De Jure vassals. They will instead prefer to create an Independence...
}, "Generate Character": { "prefix": ["create character", "character", "generate character"], "body": [ "create_character = {", "\tage = { 20 32 }", "\tlocation = root.capital_province", "\tgender_female_chance = root_faith_dominant_gender_female_chance", "\tculture = root....
Both for simulating historical events and to create plausible and interesting alt-history scenarios. But I’m getting ahead of myself. For now, let's start by looking at the foundation of a culture and the different components they are made of. This is what the new culture screen will look...
There are several types of scopes accessible from script. These include, but are not limited to: character, title/holding, province, war, unit, religion, faith, culture. Scopes can be nested, and are usually relative to the scope from which there are called, except for the ones that are ...
This may not sound hugely impactful, but it means that mods going forward can easily create large systems which can then more easily be compatible with other mods that add systems or if they feel brave enough even with larger Total Conversions if they do not cross over in incompatible design...
Command: change_culture Effect: This command changes the culture of the specified county to the new specified culture. change_development_level Copy commandCopy syntax In-depth description, examples, and more Command: change_development_level Effect: This command adds a specified amount of development...