Search our database of CK3 console commands. Sort A to Z Sort Z to A Hide filters Filter commands: All commands Category AllCheatArtifactScriptingTesting 213 results abort_travel_plan Copy commandCopy syntax In-depth description, examples, and more Command: abort_travel_planCharacter ID Effect: ...
ID The character's ID. Used to reference them in events and console commands. Historical ID Fertility The character's fertility as a percentage. Health The character's health as a number. Values are provided with one decimal place. Stress The amount of stress the character has. Base...
test_event [eventid] [character] - Evaluate if an event can be triggered for a character. It will also print the event trigger to the console, which can however cause some false positive error logs. discover_innovation(add_innovation) [innovation] [character (optional)] - Discover an innovat...
test_event [eventid] [character] - Evaluate if an event can be triggered for a character. It will also print the event trigger to the console, which can however cause some false positive error logs.评估是否可以为角色触发事件。此选项还会将事件触发器传至控制台,但是可能会导致误报错误日志。 di...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = 文化传统id } } 添加文化传统 effect = {culture ...
See also: Console commands#Trait Tags Traits represent a character's personality, abilities, reputation, and physical characteristics. They can be gained or lost through events and some traits can be inherited by descendants. Traits affect everything about a character, from attributes to the opinion...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = 文化传统id } } 添加文化传统 effect = {culture ...
(To prevent a character of the wrong religion holding a religious head title, for example) destroy_if_invalid_heir = yes no_automatic_claims boolean no_automatic_claims = yes always_follows_primary_heir boolean The title will always go to the holder's primary heir always_follows_primary_...
Customizable localization can be defined with a key and a scope. Below is an example: MyCustomLocalization ={# allowed types are:# artifact# character# landed_title# province# activity# secret# scheme# combat# combat_side# title_and_vassal_change# faith# dynastytype =characterrandom_valid =yes...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = 文化传统id } } 添加文化传统 effect = {culture ...