I don’t think the idea needs much explanation, this feature lets you edit the coat of arms used for your titles, dynasty, and house in game and from within the ruler designer to create your own stunning medieval crest.I think it's easiest if I just show you, should go without saying...
When a character creates a Cadet Branch, they become its House Head, and free from the direct influence of their old House Head unless they were the Dynasty Head. When a House Head dies, their Primary Heir becomes the next House Head. One exception: The house head at the start of the...
2.3Dynasty house 2.4Dynasty 2.5Secret 2.6Holy order 2.7Character 2.8Army 2.9Province 2.10Faith 2.11Great holy war 2.12Combat side 2.13Scheme 2.14Council task 2.15Color 2.16War 2.17Casus belli 2.18Combat 2.19Story cycle 2.20Faction 2.21Activity
Youngest Child Succession (replacing Ultimogeniture), and House Seniority. A notable difference from CK2's Seniority Succession is that under House Seniority, the oldest eligible member of your house inherits, not of your entire dynasty.
dynasty_house_opinion = 5 家族成员好感+5 close_relative_opinion = 5 至亲好感+5 sway_scheme_power_mult = 0.1 拉拢计谋强度+10% personal_scheme_power_mult = 0.1 私人阴谋强度+10% knight_limit = 1 骑士数量+1 knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.1 骑士战斗力+10% ...
Fixed Maritime Trade dynasty legacy being available for some rulers not bordering the Indian Ocean Fixed the price of the Tiraz interaction not taking into account whether you or vassals own a Tiraz Production Center or not Miscellaneous bugfixes Credits Thanks to all I worked with, took stuff...
He was like a 10th cousin to the Valois brothers too so it was effectively a dynasty change honestly jero89: 因为他总会被视为背教者。 Sic semper apostate GhirahimLeFabuleux: 如果我们非要把瓦卢瓦-昂古莱姆王朝也这么算的话亨利三世到亨利四世的继承和之前的比起来简直是小巫见大巫。亨利二世在一次长...
change_fervor Copy commandCopy syntax In-depth description, examples, and more Command: change_fervor Effect: This command adds a specified amount of fervor to the designated faith. If no faith is specified, then the fervor of your character's faith is adjusted by the specified amount. Negative...
新增图形定义PRESTIGE_LEVEL_PATH,DYNASTY_PRESTIGE_LEVEL_PATH与PIETY_LEVEL_PATH。 新增联结activity以便获得一个角色正在参与的活动。 新增联结house_founder。新增联结last_house_head;与当家族首领存在时与house_head相同,但是如果家族已经灭绝这个联结会指向最后一个家族首领。 新增on-action 判定on_concubinage_end。
dynasty_beneficiary_won_ghw Crusading House +5 Head of faith opinion +10% Monthly piety When it was time to prove their devotion to the Church, the members of this House were ready to answer the call to arms and distinguish themselves in battle against the heathens. house_beneficiary_won...