PeopleLearn about generals, leaders and soldiers in the conflict, as well as eyewitnesses to daily life and major events. 49Generals & Leaders15Union Soldiers14Confederate Soldiers33Eyewitnesses PlacesExplore nearby Civil War sites, read about battlefields, historic sites and museums and people related...
The Civil War in Four Minutes: Staff Officers 24 人观看 4:23 Civil War in Four Minutes: Winfield Scott 2 人观看 3:59 Civil War in Four Minutes: Union 2 人观看 3:52 Civil War in Four Minutes: Election of 1864 4 人观看 4:49 Civil War in Four Minutes: Battlefields 1 人...
Dozens of Tennessee Civil War battlefields and sites have become parks and museums in the years since the war. Civil War self-guided tour maps have been produced sending visitors into cities and though the beautiful Tennessee countryside. Be sure to ask for a great tour guide to “A Path Div...
By February 1862, Fort Henry, a Confederate earthen fort on the Tennessee River with outdated guns, was partially inundated and the river threatened to flood the rest. On February 4-5, Brigadier General U.S. Grant landed his divisions in two different locations, one on the east bank of the...
There were multiple areas around Nashville that were part of the setting for this battle. Plenty of Civil War battlefields lined Tennesse prior to the Battle of Nashville. There were a series of battles in the fall of 1864 that ultimately led to the Battle of Nashville.Aftermath...
American Civil War: Union army volunteerUnion army volunteer, photograph by Mathew Brady, 1861. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. The Civil War was one of the earliest wars documented on film. Photographs of individuals, battlefields, soldiers’ camps, and more left a compelling record. Par...
battlefields of the Civil War In the climactic year of 1863, Union armies knifed deep into the South to open the... Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Lookout Mountain, Tennessee General Ulysses S. Grant (far left) with (left to right) General John Rawlins, General... ...
a symbol of hate or one of a heritage long past, should read. It places the flag and the people surrounding it in their proper light. It tells the concise story of how the flag came to be, it military as well as social place in the American Civil War and in this country's ...
The regiment spent the rest of 1863 and early 1864 in Tennessee and northern Mississippi before being part of the Atlanta Campaign and the March to the Sea.Wesley had been promoted to corporal on December 10, 1862, during the campaign that ended at Stones River. He survived the warand muste...
This dissertation examines the evolution of Civil War memories in Rutherford County, Tennessee from the 1860s to the present. It explores how race, gender, and regional identities shaped individuals' perspectives on the war, commemorative events and organizations, and the development of historic sites...