CommissiononCivil Service SalariesandConditions of Service will shortly be consulted on the ranking structure and salary scales of a new graduate grade in primary schools. (d) 政府稍後會向公務員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會,徵詢其對新小學學位教師職系 的職級結構及薪級的意見,...
service doctors, scientists, architects, naval constructors, statisticians, lawyers, and so on. In several countries the establishment of these special classes caused some difficulties because their salary scales had to be linked with those of competing professional groups outside the service. The ...
They should be given increments on salary scales for doing a good ,job whilst staying in post, and or promoted within the same area so the expertise is not wasted. The civil service should contain more of the expertise it needs and should reward it. If we take an area ...
There is no evidence that overstaffing, as determined from the residuals of the estimated specification, is the joint outcome along with staff composition, as proxied by mean salary, of job creation pressures at the lower salary scales. This suggests that correction of overstaffing might be ...
They are usually sent to an academic staff college associated with the service that has been allocated.The recruitment happens at the level of officers having executive powers. The promotions in the service are time bound and increase in the salary and privileges are automatic. ...
Financial interests:Author A received a speaking fee from Y for Z. Author B receives a salary from association X. X where s/he is the Executive Director. Non-financial interests:none. Financial interests:Author A and B declare they have no financial interests. Author C has received speaker ...
Secretariat has posts in all grades / scales from BS-01 to BS-22. The posts are as under:- Chief Secretary / Senior Member BOR / Chairman P&D BS-22. Additional Chief Secretary / Secretary / Commissioner BS-21. Commissioner / Secretary BS-20. Additional Commissioner / Deputy Commissioner /...
Civil service jobs are diverse in salary, job requirements, and responsibilities. Here are some examples of the most common civil service jobs: Teachers who teach in public schools are considered civil servants. Their salaries are paid by taxpayers, and they serve the public sector by educating c...
The common scale possessed by certain architectural surveying and civil engineering grades in the Civil Service enabled the Institution to secure improved salary scales by central discussion, and acceptance of the Institution's proposals for the simplification of grades and salaries of the professional, ...
Broadly, the proposals aim at common salary scales for all professional classes, and a high standard of recruitment and service conditions which will attract to the service of the State the best brains in Great Britain. Within the membership of the Institution there are more than five hundred ...