service doctors, scientists, architects, naval constructors, statisticians, lawyers, and so on. In several countries the establishment of these special classes caused some difficulties because their salary scales had to be linked with those of competing professional groups outside the service. The ...
of Service will shortly be consulted on the ranking structure and salary scales of a new graduate grade in primary schools. (d) 政府稍後會向公務員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會,徵詢其對新小學學位教師職系 的職級結構及薪級的意見,並將於短期內公布新學位教師職系的薪級及升級機...
They should be given increments on salary scales for doing a good ,job whilst staying in post, and or promoted within the same area so the expertise is not wasted. The civil service should contain more of the expertise it needs and should reward it. If we take an area ...
The promotions in the service are time bound and increase in the salary and privileges are automatic. The greatest thing about Civil Service is the job security. Special facilities include subsidized accommodation, telephone and transport facilities, medical benefits, leave travel concession, etc. Post...