1.返回电脑桌面,点击左下角“开始”按钮,在右侧程序列表中找到“控制面板”快捷方式,并单击打开它 2.打开“控制界面”界面,点击【卸载程序】 3.先点击【安装时间】按钮,这样就可以将AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018软件及插件排列在一起了,然后找到“发布者”选项下所有对应“Autodesk”的左侧程序全部卸载 注意:1.不同电脑...
此外,Object Enabler是Civil 3D安装软件包的一部分。下载并提取AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016后,或者如果您有安装介质,则会在以下位置找到Object Enabler(假定已选择默认路径进行提取):C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_AutoCAD_Civil_3D_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM\x64\Support\ObjectEnabler\Civil3D_2016_OE...
安装AutoCAD Civil 3D Object Enabler 可实现以下功能: 支持对 AutoCAD Land Desktop 对象执行基本 AutoCAD 命令,例如“列表”、“分解”、“块”、“写块”和“复制” 对象上的捕捉点(因此可以使用对象捕捉) AutoCAD Land Desktop 对象的夹点编辑(放坡对象除外) 如果未安装此激活器,您可以使用代理图形来共享...
Step 1: Download and install the Civil Object Enabler 1.The Civil Object Enabler allows you to open and complete work in 3D drawings that originate from AutoCAD Civil 3D. You can download it for free directly from Autodesk for the version of Civil 3D you're working with: Object Enabler fo...
When trying to install the AutoCAD Civil 3D object enabler, a message similar to the following is displayed: Setup was unable to detect any target applications for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 64 Bit Object Enabler. The object enabler installer is ...
An issue has been resolved where proxy warnings would appear in Autodesk® AutoCAD LT® when opening a drawing that contained AutoCAD Civil 3D objects even though the AutoCAD Civil 3D object enabler was installed.Note: To download and install the fixes for the object enab...
The Civil Object Enabler is a freeware application that you can use to access Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing files. This release allows object data created in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 to be accessed outside the Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 env
I have come to the conclusion with Cadsoft's help that Civil 3d 08 will not recognize .sid files without the raster object enabler installed. When I try to install it from this site it asks me which one I would like to apply it to and I am unable to check any of the boxes. In ...
The Civil Object Enabler is a freeware application that you can use to access Autodesk Civil 3D drawing files. This release allows object data created in Autodesk Civil 3D 2020 to be accessed outside the Autodesk Civil 3D 2020 environment. Note: For furt
(5,206,528 bytes). Relative to the overall usage of those who have this installed, most are running it on Windows 7 (SP1). While about 88% of users of AutoCAD Raster Design 2011 Object Enabler on AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 - English come from the United States, it is ...