可以通过Autodesk Civil 3D安装 CD 和 Autodesk 网站www.autodesk.com/aecobjenabler上获取 Object Enabler。 安装Object Enabler 后,用户可以打开图形并使用标准的 AutoCAD 命令来查看、打印、操作和复制Autodesk Civil 3D对象。Autodesk Civil 3D对象仍保持为智能对象,并且图形可以在Autodesk Civil 3D中重复使用。
下载并提取AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016后,或者如果您有安装介质,则会在以下位置找到Object Enabler(假定已选择默认路径进行提取):C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_AutoCAD_Civil_3D_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM\x64\Support\ObjectEnabler\Civil3D_2016_OE_64Bit.exeC:\Autodesk\Autodesk_AutoCAD_Civil_3...
下载并提取AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016后,或者如果您有安装介质,则会在以下位置找到Object Enabler(假定已选择默认路径进行提取):C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_AutoCAD_Civil_3D_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM\x64\Support\ObjectEnabler\Civil3D_2016_OE_64Bit.exeC:\Autodesk\Autodesk_AutoCAD_Civil_3D...
因为Civil3D使用了自定义对象,因此使用AutoCAD打开Civil3D的dwg文件时有可能看不到图形,或者看到的是代理对象,需要安装Object Enabler才可以,但是这个稍微复杂一些。 Civil3D如果要导出成普通AutoCAD可以打开的dwg文件,是需要操作一下的。很多人错误的将Civil3D的对象炸开,但这种操作方式有问题,有些Civil3D对象炸开后就...
Object Enabler 帮助 API Reference Guide 了解AutoCAD Map 3D 使用AutoCAD Map 3D 自定义 AutoCAD Map 3D AutoCAD 用户手册 自定义和管理手册 AutoLISP: Developer's Guide Autodesk 安装 AutoCAD Civil 3D 安装分享 关于零件生成器术语当您开始使用零件生成器时,了解以下关键术语会对您有所帮助。 约束 通过建立...
Step 1: Download and install the Civil Object Enabler 1.The Civil Object Enabler allows you to open and complete work in 3D drawings that originate from AutoCAD Civil 3D. You can download it for free directly from Autodesk for the version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD you currently have installed...
Hi. I want to open 3 images made with Auto cad Civil 3D 2016. I was told to download the Auto Cad Civil 3D Object enabler. But the problem is that I have the 2015 Auto Cad Civil 3D student version. Then I got the folllowing message " "Setup was unable to detect ...
Install the Object Enabler and use the Export To AutoCAD command Download and install the Civil 3D Object Enabler matching the software version. In the command line, type EXPORTTOAUTOCAD. Note: The DWG file will be exported as a 2D drawing with a...
六、卸载完成后上一个程序在程序列表中自动消失了,继续卸载,然后找到AutodeskAutoCADCivil3D2018ObjectEnabler64Bit,鼠标右击选择【卸载】。 七、再点卸载之后点击【关闭】按钮,再控制面板内找到AutodeskAppManage2016-2018,鼠标右击选择【卸载】,然后点【是】,继续将对应的程序全部卸载完成即可,注意:不同插件卸载界面不...
Going forward, you can install the Civil Object Enabler with AutoCAD, or you can run Civil 3D and select the Drafting and Annotation workspace to access AutoCAD functionality. A missing shortcut is one thing, installing another xx gigs program is the other. So what it is? If I install ...