Bonus Resources[Contents] NameTraitsImproved ByHarvest YieldRequirement Bananas+1FoodPlantation+25FoodIrrigation Cattle+1FoodPasture+25FoodAnimal Husbandry Copper+2GoldMine+50GoldMining Crabs+2GoldFishing Boats+50GoldCelestial Navigation Deer+1ProductionCamp+25ProductionAnimal Husbandry ...
The placement of cities is always one of the most important strategic decisions. I will gladly place a city at significantly further distance from my capital if it results in acquiring special resources or monopolizing a location that is of prime strategic or production value. Many specialty resour...
Craftsmen: +1 Production and +1 Faith from improved strategic resources. (Before just +1 Production on Mined improvements) Earth Goddess: +2 Faith from tiles with Breathtaking Appeal. (Before +1 Faith from tiles with Charming or better Appeal) Goddess of the Hunt: +1 Food and +1 Production...
Strategic resources are needed to make certain military units (iron, for example, is needed to make the Swordsman or Roman Legion units) . Bonus resources are resources like gold that simply produce extra food, commerce, or shields. Resource Distribution: Resource is not spread evenly over the...