Special Project which provides +1 additional Amenities Amenity while developed and earns Engineer Great Engineer, Merchant Great Merchant, Writer Great Writer, Artist Great Artist, & Musician Great Musician points upon completion. Culture 5 Brazil / Pedro II LA Magnanimous Recruiting or patronizing a ...
ANCIENT Era SettlerBuilder TraderMissionary ApostleInquisitor Great GeneralGreat Admiral Great EngineerGreat Merchant Great ProphetGreat Scientist Great WriterGreat Artist Great MusicianSpy ScoutWarrior SlingerBarbarian Horseman Barbarian Horse ArcherSum
+6 Food, +6 Production, and +12 Gold from each Relic, Artifact, and Sculpture Great Work of Art in addition to the usual Culture. Receive quadruple Great Writer, Great Artist, Great Musician, and Great Merchant points. Palace has slots for 15 Great Works. ...
Blessings and salutations to you, revered Queen Dido, founder of the legendary kingdom of Carthage. Chronicled by the words of the great poet Virgil, your husband Acerbas was murdered at the hands of your own brother, King Pygmalion of Tyre, who subsequently claimed the treasures of Acerbas ...
(7 December 2022) Coram: PARKER AJ . The Delicate Arch was to the south andEjyafjallajkull was located to the east. Full desert cities are not really that great. Project However, its' main benefit is that whenever a naval unit is built by the player, they get a second one for free...
ANCIENT Era StonehengeHanging Gardens PyramidsOracle CLASSICAL Era Great LighthouseColossus PetraColosseum Great LibraryMahabodhi Temple Terracotta Army MEDIEVAL Era Hagia SophiaAlhambra Chichen ItzaMont St Michel Huey Teocalli RENAISSANCE Era Venetian A
音乐家评委The Judges of Musician Siqing Lu 吕思清,帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛一等奖获得者 著名小提琴家吕思清无疑是当今国际乐坛最活跃的杰出中国小提琴家之一。作为第一位夺得国际小提琴艺术最高奖项之一-意大利帕格尼尼小提琴大赛金奖的东方人,他那美妙绝伦、激动人心的琴声早已遍布维也纳金色大厅、美国纽约林肯艺术中心、...
Brandenburg Gate 750 +3 +2 GS A Great General appears near the City where the Wonder was built and +15 XP for all Units built in this City. Military Science Broadway 1060 +2 One free Great Musician appears after construction. Provides 3 slots for Great Works of Music. Radio Chichen Itza...
音乐家评委The Judges of Musician Siqing Lu 吕思清,帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛一等奖获得者 著名小提琴家吕思清无疑是当今国际乐坛最活跃的杰出中国小提琴家之一。作为第一位夺得国际小提琴艺术最高奖项之一-意大利帕格尼尼小提琴大赛金奖的东方人,他那美妙绝伦、激动人心的琴声早已遍布维也纳金色大厅、美国纽约林肯艺术中心、...