The General— Free— Orson Welles said that Buster Keaton’s The General is “the greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made. Alternate version here (1926) The Golem: Ho...
... 玛丽·雪莱《弗兰肯斯坦》(大文学家)( Great Musician) 乔治·格什温《我把住了节奏》(大音乐家)( Great …|基于5个网页 2. 可造成观光爆炸 资料片 Brave New... ... 4. Great Writer( 可造成文化爆炸) 5. Great Musician( 可造成观光爆炸) 1. Airport( 也可空运部队…langdon...
The General— Free— Orson Welles said that Buster Keaton’s The General is “the greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made. Alternate version here (1926) The Golem: Ho...
If a game ever had all the mechanisms I liked thrown into one box, it's this bag building, action drafting, area control hex map civ game co-designed by Andrea Chiarvesio, known for the mechanically disparate but equally brilliant Marvel United, Kingsburg, and Signorie. I can't tell you...
music_theory7, Due to the weak Diplomatic module in C3C its hard to simulate Romanias late entry. On Austria AI: One can only hope for an better AI in CIV4 and that Firaxis listen to the hard-core people (Such as the members of CFC) when they make CIV4. Sometimes I really doubt...
While no-holds-barred systems advance the state of the art, they are out of the reach of most audiophiles and music enthusiasts. What I like to find are components that approach the state-of-the-art, but are much more affordable, like HiFiMAN 分享25 第五人格吧 子睿学长♂ 那个回光返照...