(Civ5)|River]] or Lake.]=]; GoldMaintenance=1; MutuallyExclusiveGroup=-1; FreshWater=true; Cost=75; HurryCostModifier=25; MinAreaSize=1; ConquestProb=66; BuildingClass="BUILDINGCLASS_WATERMILL"; ArtDefineTag="ART_DEF_BUILDING_WATERMILL"; PrereqTech="TECH_THE_WHEEL"; PortraitIndex=58; ...
Amundsen-Scott Research Station +5 Great Scientist points per turn +20% Science and +10% Production in all cities. Yields are doubled if there are 5 Snow or Snow Hill tiles within 3 tiles of a city owned by this player. 6 8 3 4 4 D Stonehenge +2 Faith Grants a free Great Prophet...
the tech trees, improvements, units, etc. It’s much easier to do well if you have a clear strategy and know where you want to go. For example, some techs offer bonuses to the first discoverer: a free great person, a free great tech, or starting a ...
Also, check out this Tech Calculator. What are Scientific Great Leaders (SGLs)? Scientific Great Leaders are units that might appear when you are the first to research a technology (and they are only found in Conquests). They have the ability to rush anything in a city (improvement, ...
this, switch from Slavery to Caste System so you can run more Scientists. The forum is better than a regular market and should be built in your largest cities (with most specialists) as it will help you make Great Scientists. If you are behind in tech, you can lightbulb some techs and...
* Stable gives bonus 1 production for Sheep/Cattle/Horse and can be built with Sheep or Cattle; cost reduced * Lighthouse gives bonus 1 food for Fish; cost reduced * Ironworks dropped to 8 production (but earlier in tech tree now) ...
Also, check out this Tech Calculator. What are Scientific Great Leaders (SGLs)? Scientific Great Leaders are units that might appear when you are the first to research a technology (and they are only found in Conquests). They have the ability to rush anything in a city (improvement, ...