Best way to get CIV IV BTS running on Mac - 2022 edition? Nov 22, 2024 erichaalo Civ4 - Game of the Month Sub-forums Threads 3K Messages 425.6K BOTM 287: Pacal, Monarch - First Spoiler - 1AD Thursday at 6:46 PM High King J.J. Civ4 - Hall of Fame Discussion Sub-for...
Monuments come in all shapes and sizes, from the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, to the Statue of Liberty in New York City, USA, to Nelson's Column in London, England. The best of them imbue the city's inhabitants with a great feeling of civic and national pride.]=]; Strategy=[=[...
The religious attitude of most early scientists, unleashed by the Reformation, was that they were investigating a universe created by God. Nicolaus Copernicus is best known as the first modern thinker to posit that the earth revolved around the sun. Newton's universe was infinite and had no ce...
this, switch from Slavery to Caste System so you can run more Scientists. The forum is better than a regular market and should be built in your largest cities (with most specialists) as it will help you make Great Scientists. If you are behind in tech, you can lightbulb some techs and ...
This works great, but the image of the units in the army keeps changing. First it was cavalry, but this one really had me rolling on the floor in laughter. The sounds and animation are all for the ironclad, but it moves on land just like any normal land unit.That unload army bug ...
Great mod! After I finish with the Scandinavian LHs I would be happy to make a few Alien LHs for you. (Along with a few alien units for different cultures). I was thinking of a terrian feature like a Pulsar that you might be able to put in Deep Space. "An eye for an eye makes...
"This is what we're going to do," said the small, dark man who a few months ago had been one of the best surgeons on Venus. "We can't get at the airlocks, because there's vacuum all round us and we've only got five suits. This ship was built for fighting, not for carrying...
All scientists and archaeologists who have studied this problem have concluded that the Flood Myth does refer to the cumulative memory of the post-glacial sea level rise, but that the reference to great cities and catastrophic floods is inadvertently attached from the culture and technology of the...
Great Library:+2 scientists is a big deal at a time when many of your cities can’t dedicate the pop to specialists, especially if you build this in your great people focus city. Perhaps most importantly, the +6 GP points/turn from 2 scientists in addition to the +2 GP from the wond...
Let’s get to the real thing now…. Your first settler unit should not spend more than 3 turns looking for a good location to built a city. In fact, I usually build my first city at where the settler stands, unless there is a truly great location adjacent or the initial position is...