This is the same government that held the independence referendum in 2014 and obtained votes from 56 of 59 MPs from Scotland in 2015 and lost 21 MPs in the 2017 UK General Elections. The Scottish public has greater levels of trust in Holyrood than in Westminster and, arguably, in the SNP...
Number 1, Poultry is an office and retail building on Poultry in the City of London. It was designed by James Stirling for a site then owned by developer Peter Palumbo, and first assembled by Palumbo's father Rudolph in the 1960s. Originally intended to be the site of an office tower ...
After that, Toastmistress Lillian Csernica introduced Writer Guest of Honor S.M.Stirling, Artist Guest of Honor Alicia Austin, and Fan Guest of Honor Michael Siladi, who all gave the usual thank-you speeches. The other two panels I attended as a panelist were "Rumor Control on the ...
Winning state elections in New York means winning the suburbs, so it’s no surprise that Jay Jacobs was brought back last year for another stint heading up the state Democratic Party. Jacobs, who is also the longtime Nassau County Democratic Committee chair, has seen Long Island steadily shift...
The Chicago Tonight site was upgraded with a focus on local and national elections with the launch of a Chicago Tonight political blog by Rich Samuels and Elizabeth Brackett; a microsite for Candidate Free Time featuring video for all local races; social networking links; and most notably, a ...
David Kapell brings experience solving fiscal challenges to his work as a consultant, having served as the mayor – and community development director, trustee and planning board chair – of the Village of Greenport. A key client of his Stirling Public Policy is the Rauch Foundation, which...
(Paisos Catalans *2) Bristol, Bath and NESomerset, SGloucester and NSomerset Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Inverness, Perth and Stirling Nation-states ES UK Devolution Fiscal autonomy On-going Independence/ Dis-connection Commitment to form a Combined Authority Post-Brexit Devo-max Indyref...