Born in Nebraska-received my BA degree from Grinnell College - did graduate work at the U. of Wisconsin - worked 5 years as a case worker in Chicago - married Dr. F. J. Pepper - moved to Alexandria - son Murphy - aide to Chuck Beatley-elected to City Council. For your highes...
a job he still does on a part-time contractual basis. He is running because of his interest in the community and a desire to have greater public input in city decisions. He welcomes public input on how to bump up water rates, which he said needed to be increased...
City Has Best Paid Elected Members
“The City of Slidell is honored to receive this award from the American Planning Association. We had a lot of great input and support from the public and the fact that we were able to complete several of the projects helped our plan stand out from the rest,” said Mayor Cromer. “I ...
Some of those people said they were dismissed in retaliation for backing a new union. Cardone said it will be neutral and ready to work with the group elected by workers. "The decision of who represents the employees is the employees' choice alone," Cardone said in a ...
For anyone watching tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council on YouTube, we on the Council were all dressed more formal than normal because tonight was picture night. Before the meeting began, a photographer took the elected officials photos that will hang on the walls of City Hall. ...
A current member of the Rochester City Council is throwing his hat in the ring for this fall’s race for one of the city’s most powerful elected positions.
In recognition of these goals, there is hereby established a procedure for disclosure by certain officials and employees of private financial or other interests in matters affecting the city. SECTION 2: a. All elected and appointed officials as well as employees of a political subdivision, serving...
Richard Riordan, a wealthy businessman barely known to voters six months ago, Tuesday defeated City Councilman Michael Woo to become the first Republican mayor of Los Angeles in 36 years.
Jay's Crab Shack, 737B Asbury Ave, Ocean City. Eric says," The menu had delicious options for the surf lovers as well as the turf members of our party. Everything was yummy! The owner was very responsive to allergy concerns. Fish Tacos here were MUCH better than on the boardwalk. My...