Test the extremes with the CITIZEN Promaster Tough series, now featuring chronograph and 12/24-hour time. Living up to its name, this timepiece features shock resistance and anti-magnetism. A black ion-plated stainless steel case with CITIZEN's proprieta
Test the extremes with the brand new CITIZEN Promaster Tough series. Living up to its name, this timepiece features a monocoque case (2 piece construction resulting in no caseback) resulting in extreme rigidity, shock resistance and anti-magnetism. Super
这款Citizen 西铁城 BN0211-09X 光动能男士钛合金腕表,属于Promaster Tough系列,能应对极端低温环境,独特两片式结构,无底盖,具有极高的刚性,抗冲击及抗磁性,表面硬化不锈钢表壳及表链上的Super Titanium™涂层具有防锈,抗划伤,低变应原性,并且硬度是不锈钢的5倍。 绿色表盘搭配银色夜光时针及条形夜光时标,3点...
西铁城(CITIZEN)Promaster Tough光动能日期不锈钢男士时尚百搭手表腕表 CA0720-54H图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
prime会员!Citizen 西铁城 Promaster Tough系列 BN0211-50E 蓝宝石镜面 光动能男士腕表 含税到手约¥1764. 亚马逊中国普通用户满300包邮,prime会员任意金额包邮。 原价$495,目前这款手表亚马逊海外购售价降至¥1617.62,可免费直邮,仅需税费¥1
function-first character. This tough, utilitarian feel continues through both the square-guarded knurled crowns – the 3 o’clock screw-down crown for standard functionality, and the 8 o’clock crown that operates the internal slide rule bezel. Around back, Citizen fits the Promaster Air Automati...
西铁城(CITIZEN)Promaster Tough系列男士石英腕表尼龙表带520情人节礼物 Black/Black 默认1图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Test the extremes with the brand new CITIZEN Promaster Tough series. Living up to its name, this timepiece features a monocoque case (2 piece construction resulting in no caseback) resulting in extreme rigidity, shock resistance and anti-magnetism. Super