这款Citizen 西铁城 BN0211-09X 光动能男士钛合金腕表,属于Promaster Tough系列,能应对极端低温环境,独特两片式结构,无底盖,具有极高的刚性,抗冲击及抗磁性,表面硬化不锈钢表壳及表链上的Super Titanium™涂层具有防锈,抗划伤,低变应原性,并且硬度是不锈钢的5倍。 绿色表盘搭配银色夜光时针及条形夜光时标,3点位置...
The Citizen Promaster Diver complied with this standard which means it’s a great choice for real divers to use. For non-divers or the so-called desk divers, the ISO compliance means this is a tough watch that can withstand any kind of activities you throw at it. If it is good enough...
prime会员!Citizen 西铁城 Promaster Tough系列 BN0211-50E 蓝宝石镜面 光动能男士腕表 含税到手约¥1764. 亚马逊中国普通用户满300包邮,prime会员任意金额包邮。 原价$495,目前这款手表亚马逊海外购售价降至¥1617.62,可免费直邮,仅需税费¥1
Promaster Navihawk A-T Citizen Watch Now here’s a men’s watch that totally means business, with a bucket load of technical functions packed into one awesome timepiece. At 48mm, it’s one of the largest in our best Citizen’s watches for men review and is designed to be noticed. The...
I also encourage you to leave a review, comment… Sure to seeVintage LCD Watch Forum. If your doubt write to: 365d24h60m@gmail.com . Best 365D24H60M.COM Believe it or not this watch consists of more than 100 items.The Schematic Diagram ( 2200 x 2200 px )shows theGeneral Construction...