APAStyle 3 Aswellasacknowledgingyoursources[bywriting“accordingtoSmith(2007)….”]youmustrecordexactlywhereeachideacamefrom.Thisiscalled“documenting”or“recording”yoursources.4 APAStyle TwostepstoDocumentingSources: In-textcitations…––i.e.written‘in’thetextofyouressay[Smith,2007.....
5.2 Citing two or three authors If the work has two or three authors, include all names in your citation. For more than three authors, see section 5.3. Recent research indicates that the number of duplicate papers being published is increasing (Arrami Garner, 2008). Evidence shows that ...
andthepagenumberin parenthesesafterthequotation. –"StudentsoftenhaddifficultyusingAPAstyle," (Jones,1998:57). APAStyle 9 Morethanoneauthor: TwoAuthors:Namebothauthorsinthe signalphraseorintheparentheseseach timeyoucitethework.Usetheword"and" betweentheauthors'nameswithinthetext anduse"&"inthe...
A work by two authorsExample: The use of sterilization accounts for 3.2 percent of birth control methods in Christian communities (Purnell & Paulanka, 2023).A work by three or more authorsRegardless of the medium of the source, all sources with three authors or more are now attributed ...
Citing two authors Recent research on Google illustrates that marketing strategies are on the wane on a worldwide basis (Henderson and Monkhouse 2008). Citing three or more authors If the work has three or more authors/editors the abbreviation ‘et al’ should be used after the first ...
rather than alphabetically. Format: (First author, second author and third author Year) Example 1: Two authors (Cooper and Alderfer 1978, p.24) In their work on group relations, Cooper and Alderfer (1978, p.24) give a good overview of the topic. ...
Equally, referencing is an acknowledgement that you have used the ideas and written material belonging to other authors in your own work. As with all referencing styles, there are two parts: citing, and the reference list. 2. WHY SHOULD I REFERENCE? Referencing is crucial to you to carry ...
Include up to two author names in the reference list entry and the in-text citation. For sources with three or more authors, include only the first author’s name followed by “et al.” in both the reference list entry and the in-text citation. Reference list entry example: Hipp, Andrew...
The word “and” is placed between the two names for narrative citations, and an ampersand (“&”) is used between the two names for parenthetical citations and references. 3 or more authors Use only the first author’s surname from the reference list, followed by “et al.” (“et al...
The APA format uses anauthor-date systemfor citing a paraphrased passage. This involves placing theauthor’s surname(last name) and theyear of publicationin parentheses, separated by a comma. An APA-style in-text citation for a work with two authors would look like this: ...