When making a reference to two co-authors, it is necessary to use “and” to connect their last names. Example: (Grey and Bell 45). Three or more authors If the Works Cited entry shows that a work has three or more than three authors, “et al.” is used starting from the first ...
MLA uses a standard order of information for all types of sources. Note that if your source does not have a particular section, just skip that section and move on.1. AuthorThe first author’s name is always Last Name, First Name. Subsequent authors’ names are in normal order, with Firs...
APA_CITING格式_ 详细指导 DocumentingSourcesofInformation 1 APAStyle WhatisPlagiarism? Usingsomebodyelse’swordsorideasasiftheywereyourown;Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithoutacknowledgement;Usingideasfromothersourceswithoutacknowledgement;Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougotideasorinformation.APAStyle ...
1. MLA style Include up to two author names in the reference list entry and the in-text citation. For sources with three or more authors, include only the first author’s name followed by “et al.” in both the reference list entry and the in-text citation. Reference list entry example...
Book with Two Authors (See Section 5.5.4) Author’s Last Name, First Name, and Second Author’s First Name Last Name. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication. Print. Book with Four or More Authors (See Section 5.5.4) ...
2 authors The name of each author is listed. The word “and” is placed between the two names for narrative citations, and an ampersand (“&”) is used between the two names for parenthetical citations and references. 3 or more authors Use only the first author’s surname from the refe...
Paraphrasing might seem like a way of avoiding plagiarism, but it can be considered a form of plagiarism if you don’t cite the original source. Citing paraphrases involves more than just mentioning the author’s name. Each formatting style—APA, MLA, or Chicago—has its own particular rules...
andthepagenumberin parenthesesafterthequotation. –"StudentsoftenhaddifficultyusingAPAstyle," (Jones,1998:57). APAStyle 9 Morethanoneauthor: TwoAuthors:Namebothauthorsinthe signalphraseorintheparentheseseach timeyoucitethework.Usetheword"and" betweentheauthors'nameswithinthetext anduse"&"inthe...
MLA Rules According to the latest MLA guide, "et al." is used only when you have more than three authors. Follow this example for your in-text citation: (Berry et al.) For works cited entry, it will be: Berry, Mills, et al. ...
“I have deep respect and gratitude for all of the work she has done as a Minister, as an MLA in our caucus, and her advocacy for the Jewish community,” he said. Eby added that Robinson made a mistake and that she was doing the work to address the harm that was caused. ...