Expand industry education: Businesses in Cities: Skylines require educated workers to function efficiently. Encourage higher education by building more schools, universities, and other educational facilities. An educated populace will result in more productive industries, which in turn can supply a greater...
Offices, just like the high density residential and commercial zones, unlocks later in the game when the city is able to provide workers who are adequetly educated to perform in those jobs.Zoning some high density commercial areas.Zoning toolsIn Cities: Skylines there are various tools for ...
Industrial buildings can reach maximally level three and to do that they mostly need safety and educated workers. Additionally you must provide a bit of each service that increase ground value. More developed industry makes less pollution and produces high class commodities that can be sold in high...
But ignore a problem, like we did in our first city with our shops demanding more educated workers, and you'll eventually end up with a ghost town, the residents having moved on to better places. That's about as close as it gets to game over, and with a lot of patience, it's ...
A new feature in Cities: Skylines II is the city service upgrade system. In the previous game, city services were one-and-done buildings. You placed the building and if the city needed more of the service type, you placed another building of the same type. In Cities: Skylines II each ...
Cities: Skylines is an awesome game. It's great fun trying to manage the chaos of the traffic network, and see if your ideas can match the madness on the ground. There will never be a perfect city, and the road system will inevitably get messier as you add new areas and build extra...