When your city is pretty big, you may face the not enough goods to sell Cities Skylines issue: In this… Continue Reading → How to Fix Cities Skylines not Enough Educated Workers Issue Cities Skylines TipsLeave a comment On the stages of your city’s rapid development, you may notice the...
Offices, just like the high density residential and commercial zones, unlocks later in the game when the city is able to provide workers who are adequetly educated to perform in those jobs.Zoning some high density commercial areas.Zoning toolsIn Cities: Skylines there are various tools for ...
On the industry buildings not getting enough workers, someone on reddit posted this: http://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylin...ing_abandoned/ Apparently the problem is your industry is too far away for the people to get to. Reply With Quote 2015...
When your city is pretty big, you may face the not enough goods to sell Cities Skylines issue: In this… Continue Reading → Posted in: Cities Skylines Tips Filed under: Tips and Tricks How to Fix Cities Skylines not Enough Educated Workers Issue Cities Skylines Tips Leave a comment On...
making it an ever greater challenge. First, there is a limited number of outside connections.SimCity 4allows you to plow roads anywhere you want, but Cities Skylines only has a small number of roads and rail tracks connecting to the distant cities. With the road traffic, it's not bad, ...
Linux = /home/<username>/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines The mod has a secondary location which is in the executable directory. The xml file can be moved to the secondary and it will stay there. Changed values in the file will be seen on loading a different city or loading ...
Cities: Skylines II features various different power plants from the green, sustainable but quite expensive Wind Turbine, Solar Power Plant, Geothermal Power Plant, and Hydro-electric Power Plant to the raw, polluting power of fossil fuels in the form of Coal Power Plants and Gas Power Plant. ...
they are in search of suitable workers. As the companies increase in levels, their requirements shift to more educated employees; this leads to increased productivity and efficiency which in turn manifests in higher profits. Manufacturing also benefits from having local warehouses to store produced ...