1)进入端口配置模式 2)配置VLAN Trunk模式:Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 3)封装VLAN协议...
1.进入桌面上文件夹IOS下的VPCS文件夹,双击打开文件“vpcs.exe”,弹出如下的DOS窗口。 2.按照下表配置每台VPC的IP地址和gateway地址。 虚拟PC(VPC) IP地址 gateway地址 所属VLAN 交换机端口号 VPC1(财务部) 10 Switch1-1 VPC2(业务部) 20 Swi...
透過LAN介面(也就是連線LAN網路的介面)建立服務執行個體,以重疊特定VLAN (802.1q標籤流量) -在此案例中,為VLAN 1: ! interface FastEthernet0/1/7 no ip address negotiation auto cdp enable no shut ! 先刪除VLAN標籤,然後再透過重疊傳送流量,並在返回流量傳送到VLAN後推送此標籤: ! service instance 1 eth...
本文档介绍如何在无线局域网控制器 (WLC) 上配置虚拟局域网 (VLAN)。 先决条件 要求 此过程假定有一个正常运行的DHCP服务器,用于为注册到控制器的接入点(AP)提供IP地址。 使用的组件 运行Cisco IOS® 软件的 Catalyst 交换机。 运行软件版本 的 Cisco WLC 8540。
Dear All, On the Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K IOSXE) I needed to install a vlan. I discovered the issue because of the configuration of the client, which prevents me from adding the vlan. As a result, I changed the mode to transparent but am
As I understand it, the APs create a capwap tunnel over the management vlan (each ap is connected to an access port on that vlan), then the vlans fron the switch are trunked to the WLC and the WLC handles the routing to the particular interface. But EWC seems very differ...
Telegraf is the tool that receives and decodes the telemetry data that is sent from the IOS XE devices. It processes the data and sends it into the InfluxDB datastore, where Grafana can access it in order to create visualizations. Telegraf runs inside the "tig_mdt" Docker container. To co...
This post will deal with creating Layer 2 VLANs on Cisco switches and performing all relevant configurations. Up to 4094 VLANs can be configured on Cisco catalyst switches. By default, only VLAN 1 is configured on the switch, so if you connect hosts on a
Cisco 2600系列路由器中,仅Cisco 2620和Cisco 2621型号支持VLAN间路由功能。该功能仅对百兆端口适用。若路由器需实现VLAN间路由,对应IOS软件需集成IP Plus特性集。VLAN间路由在现代网络环境中极为重要,它能实现不同VLAN间的通信,对于构建高效、灵活的网络结构具有关键作用。Cisco 2620和Cisco 2621型号的...
helper-address R1(config-if)# ip helper-address R1(config)# interface G0/0 R1(config)# interface G0/1 R2(config)# interface G0/0 R2(config-if)# ip helper-address 7 一台新的第 3 层交换机连接到了一台路由器,且这台交换机经过配置正在执行 VLAN 间路由。