Switch#delete vlan.dat Delete filename [vlan.dat]?y Delete flash:/y? [confirm] %Error deleting flash:/y (No such file or directory) 正确的做法就是: Switch#delete vlan.dat Delete filename [vlan.dat]? Delete flash:/vlan.dat? [confirm] 好了,现在重启,之后再来show一把: Switch#sh vlan ...
Cat2950#delete flash:vlan.datDelete filename [vlan.dat]? !--- Press Enter. Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm]yCat2950#reloadProceed with reload? [confirm]y 4w5d: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested 重新加载后,使用 命令检查 VLAN 信息。show vlan 用户配置的 VLAN 将不再出现在命令输出中。仅出厂...
Delete filename [vlan.dat]?y Delete flash:/y? [confirm] %Error deleting flash:/y (No such file or directory) 正确的做法就是: Switch#delete vlan.dat Delete filename [vlan.dat]? Delete flash:/vlan.dat? [confirm] 好了,现在重启,之后再来show一把: Switch#sh vlan b VLAN Name Status Port...
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files!Continue?[confirm] 清空vlan ,用delete vlan.dat命令 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 Switch#deletevlan.dat Delete filename[vlan.dat]?vlan.dat Delete flash:/vlan.dat?[confirm]Switch# 第十六步: show flash ...
1900# copy nvram tftp:// IP_address_of_TFTP_server/ file_name 将配置文件备份到TFTP服务器上 1900# copy tftp:// IP_address_of_TFTP_server/ file_name nvram 从TFTP服务器上恢复配置到NVRAM 1900# delete nvram 删除配置文件 2950# erase startup-config 删除配置文件 ...
从NVRAM 中删除 vlan.dat 文件。 注意:从NVRAM中删除文件之前,建议备份该文件。有关操作过程,请参阅备份和恢复 vlan.dat 文件 部分。 Cat6K-IOS#delete const_nvram:vlan.dat Delete filename [vlan.dat]? Delete const_nvram:vlan.dat? [confirm] Cat6K-IOS#dir const_nvram: Directory of const_nvram:/...
copy Copy from one file to another debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') delete Delete a file diagnostic Diagnostic commands dir List files on a filesystem disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection ...
copy Copy from one file to another debug Debuggingfunctions(see also'undebug')deleteDelete a file dir List files on a filesystem disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands ...
熟悉Cisco IOS命令的人都知道我们一般对flash进行操作常用的命令是dir, cd, delete, mkdir, rmdir, erase, format等。 rmdir: 删除文件夹目录(必须是空目录),目录存在文件时无法使用。 switch#rmdir flash: Remove directory filename [/c2960-lanbase-mz.122-35.SE5/html/]?
The explanation is that while we tend to think of running config as if it were a file with text in it, the running config is actually a dynamic data structure. When you configured the vlan interface it created an entry in the data structure. When you delete the vlan interface the entry...