Use the show ip arp EXEC command to show IP entries. To remove all nonstatic entries from the ARP cache, use the clear arp-cache privileged EXEC command. Example: Router# show ip arp Protocol Address Age(min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet 9 0000.0c59.f892...
Router(config)#enable secret cisco设置enable密码为cisco(此密码在show running-config内不以明文显示,且优先级高于enable password) Router(config)#service password-encryption将show run中的密码部分做MD5加密 Router(config)#line console 0 Router(config-line)#password cisco Router(config-line)#login 设置CONSOL...
Switch-1#show clusterCluster member 1Cluster name: engineeringManagement ip address: device Mac address: 00d0.5868.f180Switch-1# 管理IP 地址是命令交换机的 IP 地址。这便定义了集群的概念,即使用单一 IP 地址来管理一组交换机。 此外,如果具有与成员交换机 Switch-1 的控制台连接,则...
If you are just looking for a command line for just point in time connections, then there are a few, like one @marce1000 mentioned. You can also look at the show client summary ? There are options to include the ssid ip username, etc. (5520-01) >show client summary ? <ssid / ip ...
Finally, enable the virtual interface using the no shutdown interface configuration command. 1.1. 赋予vlan 1 ip和subnet mask: Sw-Floor-1# conf t Sw-Floor-1(config)# interface vlan 1 Sw-Floor-1(config-if)# ip address Sw-Floor-1(config-if)# no shutdown Sw-...
Other “Show IP Route” command options show ip route [ip address] :shows only information about the specified IP address. show ip route [ospf, rip, eigrp, etc] :shows only routing information learned from the specified routing protocol (e.g show ip route ospf). ...
命令R1(config)#iproute1.1.1.0255.255.255.0s0/1R1#showiprouteR1(config)#ipclassless/noipclasslessR1#ping2.2.2.2sourceloopback0 命令R1#showiprouteR1#showipprotocolsR1#showipripdatabaseR1#debugipripR1#cleariproute*R1(config)#routerripR1(config-router)#network1.0.0.0R1(config-router)#...
show version查看运行设置 show running-config查看开机设置 show startup-config显示端口信息 show interface type slot/number显示路由信息 show ip router4. 拷贝命令用于IOS及CONFIG的备份和升级5. 网络命令任务 命令登录远程主机 telnet hostname|IP address网络侦测 ping hostname|IP address路由跟踪 trace hostname...
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : C8-E2-65-A7-ER-Z8 DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes It is still such a great and handy command. A few new things in there from when I was using it daily (IPv6, WiFi, Bluetooth)...
Cisco的网m际操作系统(IOS:Internetwork Operating Syste),IOS配置通常是通过基于文本的命令行接口(Command Line Interface,CLI)进行的。 二、路由其基本操作 1、基本操作模式 1)用户模式 Router> #通常可以查看统计信息 Router>logout #退出用户模式 2)特权模式 ...