IPv6 access lists are defined by using the ipv6 access-list command in XR Config mode mode and their permit and deny conditions are set by using the deny and permit commands in IPv6 access list configuration mode. From IPv6 access list configuration mode, perm...
access-list inside_access_in extended permit TCP host any object-group Permit- ! access-group inside_access_in in interface inside! Vollständige Informationen zur Implementierung der Zugriffskontrolle finden Sie unterHinzufügen oder Ändern ein...
Enter configuration commands,one per line.EndwithCNTL/Z.Switch(config)# ps: configure terminal意为配置终端,单词较长,可采用以下解决办法: tab键自动补全 简写成conf t 4.全局配置模式 代码语言:javascript 复制 特权用户模式下的命令提示符:(configure)+#Switch(config)#?Configure commands:access-list Add a...
Enter configuration commands,one per line.EndwithCNTL/Z.Switch(config)#hMSW1MSW1(config)#int f0/1MSW1(config-if)#no swMSW1(config-if)#ip add192.168.1.254255.255.255.0MSW1(config-if)#int f0/2MSW1(config-if)#no swMSW1(config-if)#ip add192.168.2.254255.255.255.0MSW1(config-if)#int ...
See the following commands for the example above: !The following ACL is evaluated first ciscoasa(config)#access-list OUTSIDE extended permit tcp any host eq 80 ciscoasa(config)#access-group OUTSIDE in interface outside ! StaticNAT can be applied only if ACL allows the com...
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. SWITCH(config)# 通过ACL访问控制,仅允许从某个固定IP地址访问交换机 配置ACL策略 SWITCH(config)# ip access-list extended only-permit-IP permit ip host any 应用ACL策略 ...
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#ip access-list standard Filter R1(config-std-nacl)#permit R1(config-std-nacl)#deny log R1(config-std-nacl)#interface Fa0/0 ...
12R1(config)#access-list1permit12.1.1.2 13R1(config)#linevty0 4 14R1(config-line)#access-class1 in 15R1(config-line)#end 16R1# j.配置路由内部时钟 1/*首先需要在全局配置模式下设置时区*/ 2R1(config)#clocktimezone GMT +8 3R1(config)#exit ...
switchport access vlan vlan-id可选)指定一个缺省VLAN,如果此端口不再是trunk switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id指定802.1Q native VLAN号 例: Switch# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/4 ...
Using thelinecommands, we can define and control access to the console port. Here is a basic configuration: Router#config terminalRouter(config)#service linenumberRouter(config)#line console 0Router(config-line)#location Building-2ARouter(config-line)#exec-timeout 30 0 ...