而你的配置文件里,应该有1行对应的username XXX password xxx 的这么类似的1行的配置。如果你不想输入用户名,只想输入密码的话,你可以在line vty 0 下面输入password abc abc就代表打算用的密码 注:line vty 0 后面还会跟1个数,可能是line vty 0 4 具体是什么,你可以在输入line vty 0 后...
思科交换机:Cisco Catalyst 2960-X 系列交换机产品手册 热度: Cisco交换机配置手册 热度: CorporateHeadquarters CiscoSystems,Inc. 170WestTasmanDrive SanJose,CA95134-1706 USA http://.cisco Tel:408526-4000 800553-NETS(6387) Fax:408526-4100 Catalyst2960Switch ...
The documentation provided by Cisco states that the default password is simply cisco and that a username is unnecessary. Needless to say, it doesn't work. I've also Googled for other default passwords (such as cisco-cisco as the username-password), none of which worked either. I've ...
This switch has been tested and the configuration is based on the following;Cisco model: WS-C2960X-24TS-L Version ID: V02 Software: 15.0(2)EX5 Programming Once connected with the serial cable (default settings are 9600 baud), you should be able to see messages on the screen as the ...
Cisco2960 1将交换机console口和电脑相连,正确安装线缆驱动,通过设备管理器查看端口号 +j谨盘驱幼器 L '7口COM和LPTJ 卄覚ECP打印机端口01H) Frolific VSB-toSeml匚o・niTort OCOMY〕通信猛口Wl) l+计算机 2:使用超级终端、putty或者securecrt软件建立连接...
Configuring Username and Password Pairs Configuring Multiple Privilege Levels Default Password and Privilege Level Configuration Table 11-1 shows the default password and privilege level configuration. Table 11-1 Default Password and Privilege Levels Feature Default Setting Enable pass...
Configure the username and password with privilege 15. Device(config)#usernameuserprivilege 15 passwordpassword Clear the browser cache and relaunch the Web UI. Login by entering the privilege 15 username and password. Installation Notes Use these methods to assign IP information to your sw...
I just don't know why should use "aaa authentication enable default enable" if you are not using AAA. This happened to me today that even with local username and password defined and with login local command for line vty, still I got that error message. What I did is that I went to...
Cisco2960X3650X3750X交换机更新IOS 这次用3CDaemon的ftp,备份与恢复cisco的系统文件 开启FTP服务 创建用户名cisco密码cisco123 测试ftp服务 交换机开启ftp服务(默认开启),创建用户名cisco,密码cisco123 ipftpusernamecisco ipftppasswordcisco123 查看交换机系统文件版本 ...
username[:password]指的是要访问 FTP 时所用的用户账户和密码,如果允许匿名访问且以匿名方式操作,则无须指定;location 通常是指相应服务器的 IP 地址,也可以是主机名;/directory 参数用来指定文件所在的目录;tar-filename.tar是指要创建的tar文件,archive tar命令中的flash:/file-url参数用来指定在本地闪存系统用...