Moreover, because the alleles of different SNPs within a DNA sequence of limited length tend to be in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD), we hypothesize the variants of miRNA target sites caused by SNPs potentially function as bridges linking the documented cis-SNP markers to the expression of ...
Our work identified a novel long-distance cis-regulatory SNP for SCGB1A1, which might contribute to multiple pulmonary diseases.AM J PHYSIOL-LUNG CXiu-Xiong LiTao PengJing GaoJia-Gang FengDan-Dan WuTing YangLi ZhongWei-Ping FuChang Sun...
The cis-SNP effects on gene expression To test the function of the interrogated SNPs of the two adiponectin QTLs, we evaluated the effect of each vari- ant on the levels of transcripts produced from the genes located within these two regions. We surveyed tran- scripts that were robustly ...
A comprehensive analysis of adiponectin QTLs using SNP associa- tion, SNP cis-effects on peripheral blood gene expression and gene expression correlation identified novel metabolic syndrome (MetS) genes with potential role in carcinogenesis and systemic inflammation. BMC Med Genomics 2013;6:14....
人物简介: 一、廖英杰担任职务:担任十堰奇点信息科技有限公司监事;二、廖英杰的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,廖英杰与夏德梅为商业合作伙伴。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...
胡畔隐舍,一家安静的私人小酒馆,诚聘店小二。(非诚勿扰) 要求,勤快,干净…… 工作时间每天下午五点到凌晨一点 工资2500——3200,月休四天 男女不限(不招兼职)年龄不限 2020年元月一号开始上班 有意者...
现在村里又多了很多小孩@#抖音热歌 #我才是在这长大的孩子#让我们开始聆听吧 村里好多老人已过世,曾经很疼我的二伯也没了,还记得小时候,他很喜欢上山打猎,总把好吃的部分留给我吃…现在村里又多了很多小孩@#抖音热歌 #我才是在这长大的孩子#让我们开始聆听吧 492 开业大吉,解开我最神秘的等待#做我的...
搜索 河塘月色 关注 300 粉丝 200 获赞 1600 抖音号:dyji0w4g0mqo52岁 朋友:@把爱留在冬天 恋人:@把爱留在冬天 兄弟:@把爱 私信关注 关注私信 作品70 喜欢 搜索Ta 的作品 视频热门:禅道十万个为什么济南焊达机械有限公司又见飘雪不见你ghost
Investigating cis-SNP/mRNA level associations of candidate Alzheimer genes in different brain regions of patients and controlsBackground: It has been shown that mRNA levels of many human transcripts are under genetic control. We postulate that some Alzheimer's disease (AD) susceptibility variants ...