The first application of LMM is the cis-SNPs set association test. That is, our objective is to detect whether thepcis-SNPs located within a given gene are simultaneously related to the expression leveleof that gene. Here we only focus on cis-SNPs due to the fact that in terms of previo...
P. ZengTing WangShuiping HuangScientific ReportsP. Zeng, T. Wang, and S. Huang, "Cis-SNPs set testing and PrediXcan analysis for gene expression data using linear mixed models," Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, article 15237, 2017....
It is possible that cis -acting functional variants are rare and not well-represented by the common GWAS SNPs used for these analyses. Because previously implicated polymorphisms were not included in this analysis and linkage disequilibrium patterns between markers are population-specific, we are ...
TWAS设计主要分为下面哪三步 A、在eQTL数据中算出对应于该基因的所有的cis-SNPs的一个权重 B、把权重代入到GWAS的数据当中,得到预测基因表达值 C、将预测的基因表达值和复杂疾病或性状建立关联分析 D、利用GWAS中基因表达数据,得到预测的基因表达值 E、将GWAS的基因表达值与复杂疾病或性状建立关联分析...
TWAS设计主要分为下面哪三步 A、在eQTL数据中算出对应于该基因的所有的cis-SNPs的一个权重 B、利用GWAS中基因表达数据,得到预测的基因表达值 C、把权重代入到GWAS的数据当中,得到预测基因表达值 D、将预测的基因表达值和复杂疾病或性状建立关联分析 E、将GWAS的基因表达值与复杂疾病或性状建立关联分析...
(PBS) to assess the influence of SNPs on the in vitro binding specificity of TFs for DNA sequences. A positive and large PBS indicates a change from the reference allele to the alternative allele, strongly attenuating TF binding. We calculated Spearman’s correlation coefficients between the PBS...
SNPs in a downstream cis-regulatory element modulate ERAP2 promoter interaction Computational tools to predict the functional impact of non-coding variants may be highly inaccurate.40 To prioritize likely causal variants by experimentally monitoring their effects on ERAP2, we aimed to resolve the func...
问题描述: 医生您好您看看我这俩张验血的单子,怎么hcg值长得怎么不翻倍呢12月23末次月经(女,22岁) 分析及建议: 那就不用管,生化妊娠,偶尔一次,不会有大的影响。转经后就可以恢复正常,不影响以后怀孕,我感觉生化妊娠比较大,但是这个还得依靠检查结果,医生有语音回复内容,具体请点击收听医嘱。
The performance of ASE is insensitive to SNPs with low minor allele frequencies and detects a larger number of significantly associated rSNPs using the same sample size as eQTL mapping. An unequivocal conclusion from our comparison is that ASE analysis is more sensitive for detecting cis-rSNPs ...