10月4日是一年一度的”肉桂卷日“ (Cinnamon Bun Day),来了解一下这种北欧人民热爱的甜点是如何制作的吧! http://t.cn/Aim86X4z
National Cinnamon Bun Day on October 4 sweetens us up with a Scandinavian pastry. This delicious food holiday happens when a warm bun swirls together a yeasty dough in sugar and cinnamon.
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Archive | Kanelbullens Dag {Cinnamon Bun Day}NORTH Festival: Kanelbullar {Swedish Cinnamon Buns}Saturday, September 14, 2013 2 Comments Our dear Swedish family friend recounts living as a 6-year-old with her grandparents in a small Swedish town. Her grandparents lived above the family-run ...
Define cinnamon bear. cinnamon bear synonyms, cinnamon bear pronunciation, cinnamon bear translation, English dictionary definition of cinnamon bear. n. A subspecies of the North American black bear that has a reddish-brown coat. American Heritage® Di
In Sweden, October 4 is the official “Cinnamon Bun Day,” which has been celebrated since 1999. In Norway, cinnamon buns are called "skillingsbolle." The rolls are made with dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar prior to baking. Additional toppings for Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish ...
A warm buttery bun with sugar, honey, and cinnamon — sweet treats are made of these and who are we to disagree! Now on National Cinnamon Roll Day, held annually on October 4, you can indulge yourself. Everyone loves cinnamon rolls and everyone has their special favorite. This day was ...
【Nino】(中字)外皮酥脆的美味咖啡面包~|Coffee Bun 08:54 【Delicious day】用白吐司面包制作的苹果派~|Apple pie made from white toast 04:27 【Thy Than】柔软的甜炼乳面包~|Sweet And Soft Condensed Milk Bread 06:05 【akino kitchen】浓郁的蒸制巧克力小面包~|簡単!濃厚なWチョコレート蒸しパ...
Define cinnamon. cinnamon synonyms, cinnamon pronunciation, cinnamon translation, English dictionary definition of cinnamon. n. 1. a. The dried aromatic inner bark of certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Cinnamomum, especially C. verum and cassia ,