译林版五年级英语下册Unit1 Cinderella大单元教学设计.pdf,五年级下册 Unit 1 Cinderella 单元解读 一、单元内容体现的新课标理念 本单元在英语核心素养的育人价值下进行,围绕单元主题“人与自 我”范畴中的“做人与做事”展开教学。本单元的教学主题可以让学生了 解中西方
I wasn’t sure what to expect with a pop-up adaption of Cinderella – that wasn’t from Disney. But I was really pleasantly surprised. This pop-up book transform the story of Cinderella into the three-dimensional and really tells gives this fairy-tale a very elegant portrayal. The illustra...
thestoryofCinderella.生的参与高,反馈速度 S:There’sapartyattheprince’shouse快,能够在一定程度上 降低语法教学环节带给 学生的压力感,让学生 在情境和游戏中感知语 法 Part2:Step1:Let’sfind Let’slearn学习T:whatcanyoudiscoverbyreadingthe1.课堂的中心环节注 shortessays?重学生学的情况,通过 S:Hewears...