摘要:目的: 探讨联合LCT和高危型HPV检测对CIN宫颈治疗后的随访意义。 方法 :对200例LCT异常,高危型HPV阳性,阴道镜活检证实为CIN1~3的患者行LEEP治疗或宫颈冷刀锥切,治疗后进行严格随访,包括LCT和高危型HPV检测,阳性病例行组织学检查。 结果 :(1)所有病例经治疗后均无病变残留,其治愈率为100%。(2)从治疗后3个...
Combined effects of alcohol drinking and HPV viral load on the risk of CIN1 in HPV-positive women.KyungJin, MinJaeKwan, LeeSanghoon, LeeMi, Kyung Kim
影响CIN宫颈锥切术后切缘阴性患者复发或病理升级的危险因素分析 [3]㊀SimonAEꎬGradelMꎬCattapan-LudewigKꎬetal.Cognitivefunctioninginat-riskmentalstatesforpsychosisand2-year clinicaloutcome[J]...
Clinical value of detection of Ki67, P16, and INp63gene expression for patients with cervical HPV positive and CIN 1. Xiangyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiangyang, Hubei, 441000; 2. The First People's Hospital of Xiangyang...
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) describes thepremalignant dysplasiaof the cervical epithelium, most commonly at the squamocolumnar junction, driven by infection with thehuman papillomavirus(HPV). Over time, it may progress tocervical cancer, requiring chemoradiation and potential surgery.1 ...
Use of Cytology, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16INK4a-Ki-67 to Define the Management of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-Positive Women in Cervical Cancer Screening. We measured the accuracy of p16(INK4a)-Ki67 (CINtec PLUS, Roche, Mannheim, Germany), and E6/E7mRNA (types 16/18/31/33/45 NucliSENS ...
BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:801 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-020-05530-5 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Conservative management of CIN2 p16 positive lesions in women with multiple HPV infection Maria Teresa Bruno1* , Guido Scalia2, Nazario Cassaro3, Maria Costanzo2 and Sara Boemi1 ...
97.8 % of cases were positive for HPV-HR. Among 345 patients with data for the HPV subtype, 197 were positive for HPV-16 (57 %) and 148 were negative for HPV-16 but HPV-HR positive (43 %; subtype 18 or "others"). Biopsy-cone interval for all qualified cases ranged from 2–463 ...
注意,CIN是源 、 连接电缆和仪表电容之和. 互联网 By high - risk HPV testing , 80.8 % ofCINand 94. 1 % ofCINwere positive. CIN,CIN的 高危型HPV阳性率分别为80.8%及94.1%. 互联网 Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness of Interferon alfa - 2 b Injection for the management of cervical ...
Results 1Patients with CINⅠ were mainly with single high-risk HPV type infections; of 150 patients with CINI,HPV positive was in 134 cases( 134 /150,89. 33%) and negative in 16 cases( 16 /150,10. 67%). There were 86 cases of single high-risk pattern infection,( 86 /150,57. ...