As per the latest notification by the government for the Cost Inflation Index (CII) for FY 2022-23. The CII Number for FY 2022-23 (AY 2023-24) is 331. While for the previous year, the Cost Inflation Index (CII) for FY 2021-22 and the CII Number for FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23) w...
Year must refer to the measured year. For example, if a ship's fuel consumption is known in 2022, all other results will be based from that point Multiple Fuel Type calculations There are two CalculateAttainedCiiRating methods. One for a ship which consumes a single fuel type, and another...
Yellowtail's Hall says he has also had conversations with other advisers who have been troubled by events over the past year. “For a majority of advisers who are planners and those who are active within the PFS, they are rightly annoyed with the CII and may view the CII b...
为加快航运温室气体减排的步伐,促使航运温室气体排放尽快达到峰值,IMO基于对满足EEDI要求船舶的能效相关数据的收集和分析,将集装箱船、杂货船、LNG运输船、具有非传统推进系统的豪华邮轮和15000载重吨以上的气体运输船五种船型的EEDI 第三阶段(Phase 3)要求提前至2022年4月1日执行,并将其中具有较大减排潜力的集装箱...
(inferior performance level). Over time it will become harder to reach the efficient classes. Three years in a row with a rating of D or one year with a rating of E requires a corrective action plan [17]. These can range from simple measures, such as implementing power limitations for ...
《落语》,筱绡Cii,《落语》之贰,情有独钟 因缘邂逅 阴差阳错 正剧,主角:洛璟程语 ┃ 配角:叶欣颖 ┃ 其它:无|最新更新:2022-05-24 23:46:24|作品积分:137027
#赵奂然[超话]##赵奂然# 帅气小哥哥@赵奂然 私服内搭#CII_瞬差# 短袖拼贴图案T恤——蛇蝎美人。
After the enforcement of these rules, the attained CII of a ship will be calculated based on the data collected throughout the previous calendar year, and the CII grade for the current year shall be determined based on the CII discount rate. The CII grades are A–E, and ships that have...
9月23日下午,宁波市人民政府原副市长、宁波市智能制造专家委员会主任陈炳荣莅临宁波华仪宁创智能科技有限公司,开展“智能制造”专题调研活动。宁波大学原校长聂秋华教授、原副校长徐铁峰教授等领导专家陪同调研。 到访领导合影 华仪宁创总经理闻路红教授对各位领导的到访表示热烈欢迎,并衷心感谢市委市政府对公司发展的长期...