The CII is used to notify the rate of inflation for indexation purposes in India every financial year. And for this current CIIC series, the base year has been considered as 2001-02 (Do note that in the Union Budget of 2017, the base year for CII had been shifted from 1981 to 2001)....
"Delivery Attained CII" means the CII value in gCO2/(dwt.nmile)* attained by the Vessel for the calendar year to date as calculated at the time of delivery into the Charter Party. “Effective Date” means 1 January 2023. “MARPOL Carbon Intensity Regulations” means the regulations contained...
统计局最新数据:2022年仪器制造行业投资增长27.6% 2023年01月24日 【化工仪器网 行业百态】日前,统计局发布2022年我国经济发展情况相关数据,医疗仪器设备及仪器仪表制造业投资增长27.6%,增加值增长7.6%。 工业生产高技术制造业支撑强劲 2022年,全国规模以上工业生产保持稳定恢复态势,增加值较上年增长3.6%。分季度看,...
Rotor sails –this clever solution harnesses the wind to provide additional propulsion. EnergoProfin –an energy saving propeller cap with a payback time of less than one year. EnergoFlow –an innovative pre-swirl stator that creates optimal inflow for the propeller. EnergoPac –an integrat...
time charterers take responsibility for the ship’s emissions because they make decisions on the operation of the ship. When entering into a charter party, or incorporating the clause into an existing charter party, the parties are ...
This latest row is not the first time things have turned sour between the PFS and CII, but this time it appears to be coming to a head. Last year the CII came under pressure amid plans to deregister the PFS. Timeline of events in CII/PFS row January 9 • Alasdair Wa...
(6)CIIref=aCapacity−cIn this equation, CIIref represents the reference value for the year 2019, and ‘Capacity’ is as previously mentioned earlier. Parameters ‘a’ and ‘c’ were determined through regression analysis based on the capacity data of individual ships and their corresponding CII...
2023年6月24日,宁波大学党委委员、副校长汪浩瀚带队调研宁波华仪宁创智能科技有限公司及科学仪器创新团队,就产教融合与专业学位研究生培养召开座谈会,宁波大学研究生院执行院长王闯陪同本次调研活动。 考察团队合影留念 公司总经理闻路红教授对校领导的到访表示热烈欢迎,并真诚感谢学校各位领导和各级部门长期以来对华仪宁...
the efficient classes. Three years in a row with a rating of D or one year with a rating of E requires a corrective action plan [17]. These can range from simple measures, such as implementing power limitations for main engines [16], cleaning the hull and adjusting sailing speed, up ...