牛津大学对于A-Level大部分的科目成绩都是接受的,所以同样也接受申请人母语的A-Level成绩。 剑桥大学(没有明确表示不接受)👇 剑桥大学有一些科目是不接受的,像Critical Thinking、Key Skills、General Studies,虽然没有提到native language,但是...
CIEnotes provides the latestPast Papersand Resources includingsyllabus, specimen and question papers, marking schemes, notesand a lot more. Past papers for all subjects are available from 2002 up to the latest session. All the available contents offered here are completely free and provided in the...
CIE的A-level中文考试范围覆盖教育、文化、法律、美、环境等众多 topic。 考试形式分成Reading and Writing、Essay、Texts几部分。 Reading and Writing部分是两篇总字数不超过750的短文,主要考察的 是词汇、语法、加阅读理解题。最后一题会要求根据前两篇文章再结合自己的观点,写一篇200字的小短文。 Essay部分是从给...
数学,最受A-Level学生欢迎 高数,选科人数最少,A*率最高 社会学,在所有热门Alevel科目中A*率最低...
NUIST Chinese Chess and Go Chess Competition CIE Team Members - Awarded by the president of CESS A thank-you speech was given by the department’s advisor, Mr. Amitave Saha, highlighting how important it is to have this kind of ...
aFrom teaching practice to assess the level of teaching, the school are the reference, using internationally recognized methods and systems, and maintain close contact with Chinese and foreign experts in education, communication, to ensure the quality of education continues to increase. The school is...
A level化学课程内容教材比较随着出国留学的兴起,越来越多的高中生选择在高中毕业以后就读国外的大学,尤其是国外的顶尖大学,获得更优的教育资源.由于国内高考在申请国外大学时受到一定限制,国际性的课程,比如A-level课程(俗称英国高考),走进了学生们的视野,学生可以通过A level考试成绩,直接申请国外的大学.本文笔者就...
room for maneuver, we have already had the opportunity to appeal to the market in the past, but also to issue debt. We would be able to achieve a structuring operation without increasing our capital massively. Two years ago, for example, we investigated a multi-million-euro deal related to...