我列举了math里面所有的分支,如果你要完成整个mathematic考试一共是4张paper,as和a2各两张。完成整个futher考试也一样是4张(20年改革的,以前是两张)是的你没有看错,在caie这里数学和进阶数学是独立的两个科目,但通常能考futher的都会先考math🤪 考math你可选择的组合方式 数学——最简单粗暴的一门,所有的题...
我们先来看看Further Math(9231)的部分:CIE A level Further Mathematics是两个逃不掉的,都得选。如...
Question paper 61,Marking scheme,Worked solution Question paper 62,Marking scheme,Worked solution Question paper 63,Marking scheme,Worked solution May/June 2010 Question paper 61,Marking scheme,Worked solution Question paper 62,Marking scheme,Worked solution Question paper 63,Marking scheme,Worked solution...
(b) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at A (c) Find the x-coordinate of the maximum point of the curve. (d) Find the area of the region bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the line x = 9. Try the freeMathway calculator and problem solverbelow to practice various...
The two tangents touch the circle at A and B. (c) Find the equation of the line AB, giving your answer in the form y = mx + c. (d) Find the x-coordinates of A and B. Try the freeMathway calculator and problem solverbelow to practice various math topics. Try the given examples...
8、【Physics&Math Tutors】 网址:https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/ 这个网站包含了IGCSE和A-level的past paper,可以根据不同的考试局和学科找到相应的pastpaper进行刷题,而且不需要翻墙,可以免费使用。 9、【s-cool】 网址:https://www.s-cool.co.uk/ ...
A-level CIE考试局 2020-2022 数学考纲 Syllabus Cambridge International AS&A Level Mathematics 热度: A Discussion of Financial Economics in Actuarial Models A Preparation for the Actuarial Exam MFE/3F 热度: How to write a Great Research Paper and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal如何撰写优秀研究...
A-LEVEL past paper CIE A-LEVEL Economics past paper
而Edexcel A-Level经济的考察形式则不一样,知识点分卷考察。其AS阶段同样是2张paper,其在unit2学习了...
最保险的方法就是发挥最佳水平考A2,分越高越好,这样你AS的不足就能弥补回来。但是值得一提的是今年有了A*的说法,实际就是A+,你AS要是B的话估计A*没希望,因为这个要求你每个paper都是A(貌似如此)3.你说的是futher math还是普通的数学?进数太难了所以我今年学到一半就放弃了%……不过要是...