It is far better to live peaceably with all people, giving “to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes” (Rom. 13:7). It might not be such a bad thing to lose tax-exempt status. We should consider, at the very least, the cost of maintaining this kind of cultur...
He looked after all of us from the moment we arrived at our hotel to giving us choices for our food preference for our meals. He’s blend in / adopted very well to our ways! We had a good laugh throughout our trip on top of all the knowledge...
To prevent human to human contact, please enter from Westheimer Parkway and drive through the portico at the end of the NextGen Building which faces Westheimer Parkway. Please place your donated food items in the boxes on the carts provided at the door to the building. No need to wait to h...
In the van next to me on the left in the above photo were a really friendly Irish couple who insisted on giving me some of the stew they had made for tea. Van life people are so kind, and although the places were the focus for the trip, the people I met really made it great. ...
After giving us some historical information on the city, Elena showed us the Duomo and showed us the various bas-reliefs there as if they were comics worthy of Lucca comics! We walked through the narrow streets of the center, stopping at various historic build...
7But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 8I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the...
with trompe l'oeil architectural perspectives by Pietro Anderlini. The flooring had to be remade after the flood of 1966, the pavement of the first chapel on the right (see below) giving an idea of the flooring destroyed by the flood. The choir and inner facade have nine canvases by Fran...
an application might be made to the Queen's Bench to try the question. "3. Should the common law remedies fail, resort may perhaps be had to the powers in Chancery under Talfourd's Act, but on this point I should like to confer with an equity counsel before giving a decided opinion....
One of the things that had made me hesitant on the trip was the currency situation. Zim uses the US$ now, and travel sites warn you to bring lots of small notes, because nobody has change. I didn’t have a chance to get to a bank before going, so had to rely on yuppie food st...