“I completely support it [tax exempt status]….If another synagogue somewhere else gets a $20 million donation, that’s wonderful. But that doesn’t have any impact on us whatsoever. Without that tax-exemption status, we would be unable to provide those services [food banks, shelter, etc...
He looked after all of us from the moment we arrived at our hotel to giving us choices for our food preference for our meals. He’s blend in / adopted very well to our ways! We had a good laugh throughout our trip on top of all the knowledge...
In the van next to me on the left in the above photo were a really friendly Irish couple who insisted on giving me some of the stew they had made for tea. Van life people are so kind, and although the places were the focus for the trip, the people I met really made it great. ...
Kingsland Baptist,Grace Fellowship, andThe Fellowship— three Katy churches — are underwriting and assisting The Hangar Unity Center in Brookshire with a drive-thru food pantry. A division ofEyes On Me Inc, The Hangar serves at-risk families in Brookshire. Last week approximately 350 families in...
Before the founding of the nunnery Suor Domenica, on her way to SS Annunziata to pray before the celebrated miraculousAnnunciation,heard a voice say 'Dominica, free me from this disgrace'. The voice turned out to be coming from aNativitydisplayed in a nearby painter's shop, amongst images of...
One of the things that had made me hesitant on the trip was the currency situation. Zim uses the US$ now, and travel sites warn you to bring lots of small notes, because nobody has change. I didn’t have a chance to get to a bank before going, so had to rely on yuppie food st...
I am thankful to Daniel and Carole for giving me the chance to tour Unite d’Habitation. NOTE: We saw so much that I’ve split Marseille into three separate blog entries. 1. This is the first entry, Unite d’Habitation Le Corbusier. Marseille, France. 2. The second entry is ...
The festival of St Nicholas (6th December), marking the end of autumn and the threshold to winter, was celebrated by young people roaming about in search of food or money [16], both embracing and defying the lengthening nights: "By the time of his feast day, Advent Sunday had brought ...