Chronic myelogenous leukemia stem cells: What’s new?[J] . Mhairi Copland.Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports . 2009 (2)Copland, M (2009) Chronic myelogenous leukemia stem cells: what’s new?. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 4: pp. 66-73
他们的发现“Thelysophospholipase D enzyme Gdpd3 is required to maintain chronic myelogenous leukemiastem cells”,发表在《Nature Communications》上。 研究人员在了解DNA的某些变化如何导致正常骨髓细胞变成白血病细胞方面取得了很大进展。没有一种癌症比慢性粒细胞白血病更能理解这一点。每个人类细胞包含23对染色体。
intrinsic or acquired, to cause leukemia. This cell is commonly termed the CML leukemia stem cell (LSC). In humans a CML LSC is operationally-defined by ≥1 in vitro or in vivo assays of human leukemia cells transferred to immune-deficient mice. Results of these assays are sometimes ...
慢性髓细胞白血病( chronice myelogenous leukemia,CML)是一种起源于造血干细胞的恶性增殖性疾病。病变细胞以携带Ph染色体为特点,在DNA水平表现为9号染色体上ABLI基因与22号染色体上BCR基因断裂重排形成BCR-ABLI融合基因。此融合基因所表达的异常升高的ABLI酪氨酸激酶(tyrosine kinase ,TK)活性是致细胞恶变的原因。患者...
慢性粒细胞白血病(Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia CML)是发生于造血干细胞水平上的克隆性疾病。细胞呈恶性增生,以细胞成熟障碍为特征,临床为一慢性过程,大量白血病细胞浸润引起脾脏明显肿大以及新陈代谢增高等表现。 慢性粒细胞白血病临床表现 患者发病年龄以30-40岁居多,儿童少见,其主要表现如下: ...
CML的自然病程可分为慢性期和急变期,两期之间可能有一个移行阶段,称为加速期(accelerated phase)。 一、慢性期 此期病情稳定,平均为3年,也有个别可长达10-20年。近几年来由于采取有效的治疗,可使急变期再回到慢性期,获得第二次稳定期。 二、加速期 ...
2010. Chronic myelogenous leukemia maintains specific CD8(+) T cells through IL-7 signaling.Eur.J.Immunol. 40:2720-2730. 10.1002/eji.201040404Mumprecht, S. , Schürch, C. , Scherrer, S. , Claus, C. & Ochsenbein, A.F. ( 2010 ) Chronic myelogenous leukemia ...
The meaning of CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA is myelogenous leukemia that is marked by an abnormal increase in mature and immature granulocytes (as neutrophils, eosinophils, and myelocytes) especially in bone marrow and blood, that is characterized by fat
CML,Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia,即慢性髓细胞白血病,指病情进展较慢的髓细胞恶性增生的疾病。 何为髓细胞?为何髓细胞的恶性增生是白血病的一种呢?这还是要从造血干细胞的分化来看。 造血干细胞经过分化,分为两大类: 淋巴样干细胞; 髓样干细胞; 其中髓样干细胞进一步分化成为红细胞、血小板和粒细胞,而粒细胞及另...
Chronic myeloid (or myelogenous) leukaemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukaemia, is a cancer of the white blood cells. It is characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood. ...