Even with such direct statements of eternal security, believers must contend with the spiritual forces of fear and doubt. God would have us strengthen our trust in Him against these principalities and powers. What might cause someone to doubt their salvation? It’s typically a sin. It’s hard...
Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Christian Science n. The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing healing through spiritual means as an important element of Christianity and teaching pure divine goodness as underlying all material reality. Also calledChurch of Christ, Scienti...
This study assessed the Christian spiritual health of middle school students attending two private, faith-based schools. The goal of the study was to investigate the concept of spiritual health using a data driven approach. A sample consisting of approximately two hundred middle school students ...
Christian Science noun a system of religious teaching, founded in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy and based on the Scriptures, the most notable application of which is the practice of spiritual healing. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofChristian Science1...
‘There Ain’t No Grave’ is an old spiritual revamped by Molly with an original and powerful sound. There were also profound moments of breakthrough in the tent when the atmosphere tangibly changed as a refrain or song was sung out in the Spirit. On the stage the equality between men ...
Although spiritual and industrious, her mother lacked the necessary parenting knowledge and skills to protect her due to her own unresolved, traumatic history. At age six, she began experiencing various forms of abuse. At age 15, she was allowed to marry a man, more than twice her age, who...
'Real Revival Taking Place Outside the Church Walls': Seismic Spiritual Shift in World's Largest Catholic Country George Thomas - Faithwire - (Feb 20, 2025) "We are living in the fulfillment of a promise. For many decades, we have heard that Brazil would experience a wave of revival that...
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Then, in turn, the continued existence of the State and the legitimacy of the concept of the State is a toxin which poisons society, causing great a vicious cycle of spiritual sickness and death. This is a "worldview" issue. One's worldview determines the fundamental categories of interpreti...
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