Spiritual healing is defined as a systematic, purposeful intervention by one or more persons aiming to help another living being by means of focused intention, hand contact, or passes to improve their condition. Spiritual healing is brought about without the use of conventional energetic, mechanical...
Spiritual health is anything that relates to the health and wellness of a person's spirit. While spirit can be defined in many ways throughout many religions and cultures, the concept stems from something within an individual that cannot be seen in the body and is not a part of the mind....
Background Spirituality is a dimension of life and the human being that should be included in holistic healthcare. One major barrier often described by nurses on implementing spirituality in practice relates to perceiving the concept of spirituality as subjective and sharing confounding similarities with...
a通过国家“十一五”科技支撑计划“名老中医养生保健经验方法及理论研究”研究专项的研究, Through country “25” technical support plan “old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine keeping in good health health care rule of thumb and fundamental research” research special research,[translate] ...
Spiritual health has attracted a lot of attention in health-related and nursing sciences and numerous researches. Yet, this concept has remained complex an
The role of the Black Church in the lives of young Black men who have sex with men Culture, Health, and Sexuality The Black Church is among the most important institutions in the Black community, offering numerous spiritual, social, and health benefits. Yet, the presen... K Quinn,Julia Di...
Wherever celibacy has appeared, it generally has been accompanied by the view that the religious life is essentially different or even alienated from the normal structures of society and the normal drives ofhuman nature. On the other hand, the religious style thatdisparagescelibacy gives priority to...
Thus, identifying whether such residues are made up of beliefs that negatively affect the mental health of sexual and gender minorities is a process that needs to be looked at carefully by faith communities, health professionals, and spiritual caregivers. Keywords: spiritual/religious coping; ...
It is uncommon to experience all of these physical spiritual awakening symptoms at once (one or two is more likely). If you have noticed a rapid change in your health during this period, it might be due to the drastic change in your mind-body-soul connection. If no logical everyday ...
Miller-KeaneEncyclopediaandDictionaryofMedicine,Nursing,andAlliedHealth,SeventhEdition.©2003bySaunders,animprintofElsevier,Inc.Allrightsreserved. spiritual distress Disruptioninthelifeprinciplethatpervadesaperson’sentirebeingandthatintegratesandtranscendsone’sbiologicalandpsychosocialnature. ...