Effective Preaching Blog - Dr. Bruce Ballast leads an effective preaching Blog. Dr. Bruce teaches preaching at Christian Leaders Institute
Why do our leaders lie so blatantly in public? Let’s also remember Hannah Arendt‘s warning: The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between true and false no longer exists. Hannah Arendt’s observation ...
Brian D. McLaren is an author,speaker,activist and networker among innovative Christian leaders.He has written dozen-plus books & assisted in the development of several new churches.His public speaking covers a broad range of topics including the gospel and global crises;theology & postmodernity; ...
Emotions are great teachers, but poor leaders. The prophet Jeremiah says it this way, "The heart is deceptive above all things, who can understand it?" And so we must live with the fact that our thoughts and emotions cannot always be trusted. Because we don't want to take our family ...
Missions Help for Church Leaders by David Mays Missions Jumpstart - Some of My Favorite Websites About Christian Resources Mission One Free Download Resources - Books and Coloring Books Missions Trip Planning- Missionary Manual, Team Leaders Manual, and Team Members Manual - Free Online Books ...
Training Leaders International Trinity Tuition - Free Distance Bible School: Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute U B David I’ll be Jonathan Correspondence Courses in English, Spanish and French ...
We all need to do a good old-fashioned novena for our Christian leaders and pastors. Dealing with all the issues surrounding pastoring in a pandemic has worn them out. Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 1 is a good one. (I’m going to pray it for myself and others working in lay ...
Most Baptists would not admit it, but in some ways, they have expectations projected upon leaders and others at church that make the True God perceptually less accessible. The gate to God, however, is wide open! A certain dress, a particular speaking or music style, are not nearly as ...
But even as the leaders of church and state conspired together to kill Jesus, even today they are unwittingly orchestrated by the "Invisible Hand of Divine Providence" to enlarge the City of God.Excursus #3: Here is an "excursus" on God's People "building the Kingdom of God."...
possibilities. It is over, and I can tell you what it is all about." In resting in their dogma they drained the spirit from those who would participate in the freedom of the on-going creation. Was it because most church leaders needed to inhibit personal growth for their little kingdom ...