Leaders, both in government and industry, must rebuild societal trust in expert knowledge. If trust is broken, societal progress halts. This is a matter of strategic foresight—leaders must address misinformation not merely as a nuisance but as a wicked problem, a strategic threat to the function...
Effective Preaching Blog - Dr. Bruce Ballast leads an effective preaching Blog. Dr. Bruce teaches preaching at Christian Leaders Institute
CIOs also need to bring some transparency to their operations by sitting down with business leaders and going over the budget and setting priorities together. The CIO needs to also actively market how the IT department is driving value in terms that business can understand. For example, Intel CI...
https://ref.ly/logos4/Senses?KeyId=ws.disciple.n.01. Gorman, Michael J. Cruciformity: Paul’s Narrative Spirituality of the Cross (Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001). Haykin, Michael. The God Who Draws Near: An Introduction to Biblical ...
“Human Rights and Conscience Rights”, organised by the Qatari institute in collaboration with the Swedish parliament’s Forum for the Family and Human Rights. “Members of Sweden and Norway’s parliaments, members of other Scandinavian parliaments, NGO leaders, and scholars in relevant fields ...
A key to the movement’s durability is its influence on elected political leaders (and their appointees). Its influence on these leaders depends in large part on its ability to deliver large numbers of votes in a consistent way. And its ability to deliver these votes rests on at least thre...
The New Apostolic Reformation is a set of networks of Christian leaders that formed in the 1990s around a renegade evangelical seminary professor named C. Peter Wagner. These networks are part of the nondenominational charismatic segment of Christianity (“charismatic” here is a te...
TWU equips students to be leaders in their communities, and enables them to use their skills to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Students benefit from a close campus community, empowering role models, life-changing experiences and the opportunity to establish friendships that can...
Indeed, Nazi Germany was very much on the minds of these early Christian Democrats, and, despite the disparate backgrounds of the party’s leaders and members, they shared some critical core beliefs that have shaped and guided the party since its founding. First, they believed that the ...
and one of the earliest evangelical leaders to support Trump, presided over the meeting. “I usually stand when he comes in the room as a way of showing respect — he doesn’t ask that, but that’s just something that I’ve normally done,” Jeffress explained to the assembled, who incl...