In this section of NameThatHymn.Com, our goal is to bring you the most loved traditional Christian hymns and songs that have stood the test of time. For each hymn, we'll provide the hymn words, the hymn chords, as well as the ability to download the hymn music and free printable hymn...
Printable Bible Song & Hymns Lyrics Sheets Bible song sheets are great activities for all ages. Most of us have sung these songs hundreds of time, but we still need a little "memory-booster" to make us feel comfortable and confident to sing them with a group. Fear not, the answer is...
Free, searchable collection of hundreds of hymn texts and MIDI files, Lectionary resources, Psalter, HymnStore, and more.
In this section of NameThatHymn.Com, our goal is to bring you the most loved traditional Christian hymns and songs that have stood the test of time. For each hymn, we'll provide the hymn words, the hymn chords, as well as the ability to download the hymn music and free printable hymn...
我们呼求 –词:游智婷 曲:曾祥怡 We Cry Out – 沈以勒编曲 主我们同心在祢面前 We come together in unity 以祷告寻求祢面 To seek Your face as we pray 我们转离所有的恶行 We turn away from our sinful ways 定意单单跟随祢 We’re called to walk in Your ways ...
主 求你來恢復 Lord, Come Now to Restore (Chinese Hymn English Lyrics) 主的喜乐是我力量 The Joy of the Lord is My Strength (Chinese Hymn English Lyrics) Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 我们渴望的耶稣 (中英文版本) O Let the Son of God Enfold You 让神儿子的爱围绕你 (中英文版本) ...
Great Christian Hymns is a site that provides hymn lyrics, the story behind your favourite hymns, information about the hymn writer and some guitar chords.
Entries Tagged ‘Kristyn Getty’ Oh, choose you this day whom you will serve The kingdom of heaven or the powers of earth Has He not spoken? Have you not heard? There is but one true God Facebook
温柔又慈祥 带着主爱的力量 向着我照亮 我的心不再隐藏 完全地摆上 愿主爱来浇灌我 在爱中得自由释放 我愿意降服 我愿意降服 在你爱的怀抱中 我愿意降服 你是我的主 你是我的主 永远在你怀抱中 你是我 你是我的主 我们得救是本乎恩,也因着信。我们相信圣父﹑圣子﹑圣灵是三位一体的真神。我们坚信耶稣...
平安Peace (Chinese Hymn English Lyrics) 平安Peace (讚美之泉 Stream of Praise) 詞:游智婷 Sandy Yu、張思言 Celine Cheung 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu 鋼琴伴奏 Piano Accompaniment: Samantha Wong [Verse] 父祢的意念 總永久不變 For I know the thoughts that You think over us...