每個季節恩典脂油滿滿 雖然經過水和火 靠著主我就剛強 每時每刻祢與我同在 [Chorus] 祢的恩典夠我用 能力覆庇我軟弱 靠著耶穌得勝又得勝 我要唱著祢的愛 永恆無盡頭的愛 永不離棄 一生常相伴
In this section of NameThatHymn.Com, our goal is to bring you the most loved traditional Christian hymns and songs that have stood the test of time. For each hymn, we'll provide the hymn words, the hymn chords, as well as the ability to download the hymn music and free printable hymn...
定意单单跟随祢 We’re called to walk in Your ways 主我们是属祢的子民 We are the people called by Your name 求赐下父神的心 Give us Your heart as we pray 我们要回转向祢父神 Lord, forgive us our sins 也要看见复兴 Send us revival 我们呼求祢 阿爸父 Oh, Abba we cry out to You 设立...
In this section of NameThatHymn.Com, our goal is to bring you the most loved traditional Christian hymns and songs that have stood the test of time. For each hymn, we'll provide the hymn words, the hymn chords, as well as the ability to download the hymn music and free printable hymn...
Great Christian Hymns is a site that provides hymn lyrics, the story behind your favourite hymns, information about the hymn writer and some guitar chords.
Entries Tagged ‘Kristyn Getty’ Oh, choose you this day whom you will serve The kingdom of heaven or the powers of earth Has He not spoken? Have you not heard? There is but one true God Facebook
Virtual Sheet Music® Premium High-Quality digital sheet music for piano, voice or other instruments, christian Traditional Tunes and Songs, Sacred Music Collection, chords and lyrics included.Publisher: Virtual Sheet MusicThis item includes: PDF (digital sheet music to download and print), ...
GloryScapes™— Christian Music, Hymns & Songs Welcome! Please view our DVD Video samples below and then check out our Ordering Options and order online or give us a call at 509-903-3036.Subscribe - Receive our Weekly Inspirational Note directly to your IN Box via e-mail each week by...
Free, searchable collection of hundreds of hymn texts and MIDI files, Lectionary resources, Psalter, HymnStore, and more.
“Let the Church ROAR” event hosted by the Jericho March, the crowd waved yellow “Jesus Saves” signs as a band led a singalong of the Battle Hymn of the Republic while the livestream displayed the lyrics for all to join; on January 6, the attackers would sing the battle hymn in ...