Christie, perhaps more than any other Republican politician, has a relationship with Trump containing multitudes. While Trump has a talent for making peopleregret their loyalty to him, Christie might be at the top of that list. He was astaunch Trump critic in the 2016 primariesbefore his early...
Politics, Policy, National, NewsChris Christie, Deval Patrick, Geoff Duncan, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, Gov. Chris Sununu, joe manchin, Larry Hogan, Liz Cheney, Mark Cuban, Mitch Daniels, Nikki Haley, No Labels, Unity Ticket Chris Christie to Drop Out of 2024 Presidential Race: CNN Report ...
saying in New Hampshire on Monday that “it didn’t happen” and the “facts are the facts.” Christie also criticized Trump for mocking a journalist’s disabilities,telling CNN“You shouldn’t be making fun of people with disabilities
The first time I asked Gov.Chris Christiea question we were 2,000 miles from New Jersey. I was a year into my first newspaper job in southeast New Mexico. Christie, just eight months into his first term, was there to stump for Susana Martinez's campaign for governor. Noting the ...
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter the Republican presidential fray. ABC News heard from sources close to the governor that “the pressure from donors and other people has intensified,” and that the “volume of calls” urging Christie to ...
“He’s becoming crazier,” Christie said of Trump on CNN’s “State of the Union” last month. Asked about Trump’s remark that immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” the former governor let fly. “He’s disgusting,” Christie said. “And wha...