Chouf - 113/Sahraoui Rika 1-1-3 sarahoui chouf chouf Aï Bledi Paris Dans mon bled toute l'année le soleil brille Un barage de keuf et le temps devient gris C'est le marathon quand tu passe les douanes Quand tu te palle tu crache des flammes Ils sont rapides comme ...
专辑: Chouf 歌手:113Sahraoui Chouf - 113/Sahraoui Rika 1-1-3 sarahoui chouf chouf Aï Bledi Paris Dans mon bled toute l'année le soleil brille Un barage de keuf et le temps devient gris C'est le marathon quand tu passe les douanes Quand tu te palle tu crache des ...
法语助手 Chouf 添加到生词本用户正在搜索concavo, concédant, concéder, concélébration, concélébrer, concentrat, concentrateur, concentration, concentration de l'esprit, concentrationnaire, 相似单词(h)yponomeute, (s)chelem, “分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索...
Seeing Double: Celebrity Doppelgangers See the gallery Add demo reel with IMDbPro Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel Upload your demo reel How much have you seen? Keep track of how much of Chouf’s work you have seen.Go to your list. ...
See Chouf's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Chouf's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
Chouf: it means "look" in Arabic, but it is also the name of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. A brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a ...See more ...
地区:舒夫(Chouf) 地区区号:5 国际区号:009615 从中国拨打黎巴嫩舒夫电话的方法: 00961 5加上当地号码(或者:直接按手机上的+号键961 5加上当地号码。) 别名:Chouf、009615。 又名:舒夫长途、舒夫电话、舒夫区号。 参看:黎巴嫩邮编查询。 关于“Chouf”的留言: ...
Chouf is a historic region of Lebanon, as well as an administrative district in the governorate of Mount Lebanon.