近日,中国商务部宣布已对美国政府根据《芯片与科学法案》(CHIPS and Science Act)向美国芯片制造商提供的补贴政策展开调查。据中国国有媒体《环球时报》报道,中国商务部收到国内芯片企业的投诉,指控美国政府的补贴政策导致美国芯片制造商在成熟工艺技术领域获得不公平竞争优势,进而对中国芯片企业造成损害。 《芯片与科学法...
《科创板日报》8月9日讯两年前的8月9日,美国正式颁布《芯片与科学法案》(Chips and Science Act,下文简称“《芯片法案》”)。 就在法案发布两周年当天,拜登政府发布最新声明,细数了两年以来《芯片法案》的种种成就。其中透露,美国商务部有望在2024年底前,分配完《芯片法案》的所有390亿美元直接激励拨款。 但美国...
2022年美国《芯片与科学法案》(United States Chips and Science Act) 《芯片与科学法》亦简称芯片法或芯片法案,是第117届美国国会颁布的一项联邦法规,由乔·拜登总统于2022年8月9日签署成为法律。该法提供了数...
The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS Act), signed into law on August 9, 2022, aims to power the engines of US innovation and global competitiveness through the construction of new microprocessor manufacturing and R&D facilities, expanding the nation's science and technology base, creating ne...
TITLE I - DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SCIENCE FOR THE FUTURE TITLE II - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FUTURE ACT Subtitle A – Appropriations Subtitle B – Measurement Research Subtitle C – General Activities Subtitle D – Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership ...
Delivering a Systems Foundry for the AI Era Intel Foundry is deploying a new, world-first approach to full stack solution support for accelerated time to market, leading the industry transition from “system on chip” to “system of chips.” ...
Under President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the CHIPS and Science Act aims to change that by making a historic investment in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research and development (R&D), and the workforce. The CHIPS R&D program includes $11 billion in total funding to advance ...
TITLE III – NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE 第三节国家未来科学基金会 SUBTITLE A – PRELIMINARY MATTERS 第A小节基础事项 Sec. 10301. Sense of Congress. Expresses the Sense of Congress that NSF, DOE, and other Federal agencies carry out vital basic and applied research, that increasing...
美国国会通过《2022年芯片和科学法》美国国会通过了《2022年芯片和科学法》(The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022),该法分成A、B、C 三个部分,A部分为《2022年芯片法案》(CHIPS Act of 2022),B和C部分为《研究与创新》(Research & Innovation)和《补充拨款以应对对美国最高法院的威胁》(Supplemental ...
4346 The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: In the Senate of the United States, July 27, 2022. Resolved, That the Senate agree to the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 4346) entitled ‘‘An Act making appropriations for ...